Part 23

222 9 2

Italics- Lydia's voices


Oliver stuck his keys into the door and entered the dimmed loft. "Speedy," he called out to reassure her that he was home as he closed the door.

He heard a faint grunt and turned around to see the center glass table had been shattered and saw blood everywhere. Oliver rushed over to his sister sliding over the door, trying to reach the landline.

"Thea!" He shouted, picking up the phone, "My sister is dying!" Oliver knew the ambulance was going to waste time so he picked her up, bridal style, and ran out the door.


"Is Thea going to be fine?!" Malcolm asked with anger in his voice but it was tainted with heartbreak. "They-they don't know," he stuttered, wiping the tear falling down her cheek. The two look at the surgeons working on her chest in the room and the doctor exited, closing the door.

"How is she?" He asked concernedly. Dr. Schwartz's head dropped and her expression changed. Oliver already knew and he paced himself in the hallway, rubbing his head. He turned to the side and kicked a hole in the wall as his eyes got blurry from the water.

He heard footsteps coming down and he saw the team standing there. Diggle and Laurel were trying to hold back tears as Felicity were completely balling her eyes out. Diggle opened his arms and Oliver hugged him.

"Oliver," Malcolm spoke and he pulled back, looking at him, "You need to become the first alpha." Oliver already knew what he was talking about, he was going to sacrifice himself again for his sister. He watched as Malcolm signed her release papers and Oliver carried his sister's body with a blanket over her.

The five members were walking down the private airport and Oliver adjusted Thea's head on his shoulder. "What did you tell them?" he asked curiously. "That she was going to get better care at STAR Labs," he explained. Malcolm pulled him back and waited for the rest of the team to board the plane.

"The only way to save her is through the Lazarus Pit," he told him, "she might not come back the same Thea." "I know," Oliver nodded his head, "I just want her back." "The time we need the Banshee, she's not here," he heard Malcolm muttered as the two entered the plane and it took off.


Ra's entered her chamber and sat on the stool beside her. His head blocked the light that was shining in her face and she saw him clearly. He touched the silver necklace that had her name and chuckled, pulling it off her neck and she heard the metal clash on the ground.

"Lydia Martin," he stretched out, "you cannot be her if you're the Banshee. You can't live by two names." Lydia's eyes rolled to the back of her head with a slow blink then back at him. "I can't be both," she whispered, "none of us are." She was referring to the pack of how they use their other side as who they are. "So which one are you?" He asked. Lydia hesitated under her breath, trying not to tell him but the state she was in, she couldn't hold it back, "The Banshee."

"Al- Shum," he said like the same way they both met. Ra's picked up a piece of cotton and dabbed it on the hole in her head, causing her to wince. "Oliver is coming. The doors are about to open in 3..." she counted and he stood up, "2..." he glimpsed back at her as she held tilted to the side, "1."


Oliver walked through the empty center of Nanda Parbat and assassins surrounded him and the team. "Ra's!" He shouted and he came out from the side with Sarab and Nyssa following him.

He fell on his knees, resting Thea on the floor. "Please," his voice cracked, "help her." Ra's pulled his hands behind his back and nodded his head, "Get the pit ready," he instructed Sarab. Oliver looked back at Malcolm who had an 'are you sure' expression on his face and he nodded in confirmation.


Oliver was holding a rope on the right corner next to Diggle and Malcolm and Sarab were on the other side. Felicity and Laurel were in the center, surrounded by assassins, as they watched terrified.

"We are here to bring someone back from the brink of death," the spiritual lady spoke, waving sage around, "With the use of Telluric Currents, please lower her body." Oliver made eye contact with them and they began to slowly release the ropes.

Thea's body laid limp on the wood plank as it went down. The plank finally touched the water and her arms fell out its placement and the white silk becoming wet as her body submerged.

There was complete silence in the room that Oliver could hear his own shaky breathing. "Rise!" the lady shouted, opening her arms wide. Oliver turned his head the moment Thea's body jumped out the water and attacked Laurel. "Thea!" He yelled as she grunted over Laurel. She bared her teeth at him as the lady injected her in the neck and she fell to the ground.

Malcolm took her body and carried her to a room. Oliver glanced at Laurel who was okay and tried to rush after Malcolm but Ra's put his hand in front of him. "You know what you have to do know child," his thick voice spoke. He furrowed his eyebrows and pushed passed his hand and went after his sister.

Oliver sat on the edge of Thea's bed and brushed her hair back. "I'm sorry," he whispered, kissing her forehead. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and he made a small gasp that she was alive.

"Hey Speedy," he said softly. Oliver glanced at Diggle, Felicity, Laurel who had came in then at Malcolm who had sat on the other side of the bed. "Who are you?" she asked, frowning at him. Malcolm touched her hand and she held it back, "Dad?" Oliver's eyes widened at the sound of her saying the word and looked at Malcolm. "It's going to be okay," Malcolm reassured, "just get some rest."


Lydia boggled her head back and forth, listening to the sound going on around her. The feeling of death that felt like a cemetery filled the room as she knew Thea had just come out the pit.

From the corner of her eye, she could see the plate of surgical utensils and her blood that had bits of skin in it. Lydia pursed her lips at her released wrists and ankles that didn't have to be shackled because she was still.

"Al- Shum," she said softly, "The Banshee."

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