Part 13

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Italics- Lydia's visions


Lydia was walking down the hallway of her apartment complex with tears streaming down her eyes. It took her a few times to unlock her door due to the blurry vision, but she made it.

When she entered, she set down her bag and hung her coat. She turned around to see a letter sitting on her counter and she picked it up.

Dear Lydia,

I only came to visit for your birthday and I saw that you're better off without me. But what I had to go through my first night of the city you call home, was terrifying. And to see you act differently was the pain I've never seen you in.

You've grown from the young, sassy teen to a beautiful adult. The time you've spent in Starling City has done you well and you should continue living happily. I hope you find a love that makes you full, new friends, and a better life. I'm not leaving permanently, but I'll visit soon or you can come by Beacon Hills.
                                                                                                                                          Love,                                                     your mother, Natalie Martin

In the time Lydia needed her mother the most, she left. Everyone always leaves her; the city's wacko.

She went to the kitchen and pulled out a drawer, clicking a lighter. The orange flame illuminated the room and brought the letter to it. The paper began to turn black as the ashes fell on the ground and Lydia tossed it into the trash, watching it burn. She put back on her coat and left her apartment.

There was this empty feeling in her heart that made her enter a daze. She got into her car and turning it on, sitting there, and listened carefully to the engine hum. She blinked slowly and looked into the rearview mirror and then back to the street. She tightened her hands on the steering wheel and screamed.

The massive wail trapped inside the car but the waves of the sound shook the ground, going for miles throughout the city like an earthquake. Lydia was heartbroken. She switched the shift and just as she was about to start the engine, her door opened.

"Where are you going?" Oliver asked, resting his hands on the center console. "There's a League safe house in the Glades," she told him. "You're going to kill them to show Ra's the mistake he's done," he figured and she stared blankly at him. "It was his choice," he said and she frowned out him.

"You're just a figure of my imagination, that's why you're talking in the third person," she muttered, turning her head towards the street. "Don't kill them. It won't bring him back," he whispered. When she wanted to look at him one more time, he had already disappeared.

Lydia pressed on the gas, and drove out the parking lot and down the road. She had no idea where she was going, but needed the break.

She entered a familiar place; Ted Grant's gym. The place was dark and empty with just one light swinging in the boxing ring.

"Lydia," Laurel sighed, pulling off the red boxing gloves. Lydia stepped into the rink and lifted her head. "I heard about Oliver," she spoke, retying her hair. "Yeah."

"My mom knows that Sara is dead," Laurel said. "And my mom just left," Lydia threw her hands up. She took off her coat, sweater, and shoes, leaving her pants and her sports bra. "What are doing?" Laurel asked. "I said I was going to teach how to fight," she explained, putting her hair in a messy bun and lifting her hands up. Laurel nodded and put her hands up in a defensive mode.

"Nyssa taught me a few things so don't hold back," Laurel said and Lydia aimed a punch. She was surprised that she was able to dodge and kicked her back. Laurel swung her arm and Lydia ducked, stepping forward.

"You fight with anger," Lydia told her, backing down. "After Sara died, I want to continue her legacy as the Canary," Laurel explained. "What happens when you're not angry. The drive to fight will be gone." "Ted told me to do it for myself, something about being me own anchor," Laurels said. "He's a great teacher," Lydia smirked.

Laurel went for a kick that Lydia caught, flipping her over. She grunted pulling herself up and held up her hands, wanting more. Laurel threw a punch in Lydia's abdomen and she stumbled back grinning. Lydia used the springs in the ring to jump over Laurel's head and turned around, using her to two fingers striking her in the lower back.

"I can't move," Laurel groaned, crashing backward onto the mat, "Was that the paralytic venom?" "No," she said. "What is it then?" She asked, struggling to move her body. "My fighting style is hand to hand combat, acrobatics, the screaming bullet, and martial arts. That's where I learned chi-blocking. I found your pressure points and struck you there," she explained. "How do I get out of this state?" Laurel asked. "Pain."

Lydia went into the pocket of her coat and pulled out a small knife. She stepped into the rink and crouched next to Laurel's limp body. "I'm just going to prick your finger," she said, doing it. Lydia waited for the blood to appear out of her finger and watched as Laurel began to move her hands. "Crazy, right?"

Laurel groaned lifting herself up and leaned against the ropes. "You ready for a rematch?" Lydia asked. Laurel pushed herself up and steadied her feet, hand motioning her to start.

Lydia kicked her leg up and Laurel blocked it, swinging her arm, aiming for her face. Lydia held her hand against her cheek and glared at her, "You're getting a good little birdie." Lydia threw a punch that she caught, twisting her into a headlock. There was a small struggle Lydia was going through as Laurel's arm was around her neck. She held her arm tightly and bent down, flipping Laurel onto her back.

"Ow!" She groaned and Lydia smiled over her. There was a fast movement Laurel did the and Lydia landed on her back. This time, Laurel was smiling over her. "Pretty bird," Lydia said, "Why don't you be the Black Canary?" "That's a nice name," Laurel said, lending out a hand. Lydia exhaled and patted her shoulder with a hand, "I hereby declare Dinah Laurel Lance as the new vigilante of Team Arrow," and they both laughed.


Laurel ended up going with Lydia back to her apartment and the walked through the door. "What about this design?" She asked, showing her a suit. "I don't like the long coat," she frowned as the crashed on the couch. "What about this one?" Laurel leaned over and took a long look at her phone. "With the mask, it'll complete the look," she said. "Then I'll send it to Cisco," she smiled.

"How come you don't wear a suit to hide your identity?" Laurel exhaled. "What is there to hide? This is who I am," she told her and she nodded, completely understanding. "You got my mind off of everything," Lydia said softly, tilting her head. "Same," she agreed.

What Lydia had said was true. She was still tragic, but he did what he had to do. Lydia was actually going to miss him.


Lydia had fallen asleep peacefully on the couch while Laurel was still looking at the design of her suit. She saw Lydia slightly flinch and she set her phone down. Laurel could here small muttering under her breath and leaned in, "Visual confirmation required."


Pretty Little Bird- SZA "Pretty little bird, pretty little bird. You've hit the window a few times. But my wings don't spread like they used to. But I wanna fly with you" (mostly for Laurel)

"Visual Confirmation Required"- the benefactor

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