Part 2

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Italics- Lydia's voices


"Clear the table!" Oliver told Roy, holding Lydia. He set her on the steel table and everyone surrounded her unconscious body. "It's gonna be okay," he whispered, pulling back her hair.

"What about Sara?" Roy asked. "Laurel went looking for her," he explained. He was trying to hold back the tears because he knew Lydia was going to be right.

"What happened?" Diggle asked, rushing in. "Lydia had a premonition of Sara," Oliver explained. "That she's going to die," Felicity added bluntly. "I can't find her," Laurel cried, "I can't find her. Please, Lydia, tell me she's not dead." Laurel hovered over her body and touched her shoulder.

After a short moment of waiting, she woke up. "Lydia," Oliver called out. He got closer to her but she didn't acknowledge him. He watched as she got off the table and started walking. "Lydia," Oliver called out again, grabbing onto her arm. She turned around and pushed on his chest with a scream, throwing him across the hideout. "You're gonna look for her body," Laurel figured out, "Let's go."

Oliver groaned as Roy helped him up. "We need to follow them," he said, grabbing his bow.

Oliver and Roy were swinging across buildings, following Lydia and Laurel as they walked down an alleyway. "Are we getting close?" Roy asked. "I have no idea."

When he saw the two stops, he and Roy dropped down the apartment and stood behind them. Lydia stepped forward and turned to look down next to a garbage can. "Sara?" Laurel cried out, holding her body. "Take her," Lydia said softly, before snapping out of her trance.


Oliver stood in the corner of the hideout as the rest of the team looked at Sara's body. Laurel started to take off her Canary suit and place them in evidence bags while crying.  Felicity was sitting in her chair, her head in her palms, trying not to cry. Roy and Diggle were leaning on tables, crossing their arms, mourning in anger.

"What do you do when someone dies?" Oliver heard Lydia whisper. With no emotion on her face, she got up and grabbed a pen and a note pad. "1: find the body, check. 2: Is it supernatural? No. 3: cause of death, three arrows. 4: Worth," she listed.

Oliver and Laurel watched her crazily as she hovered her hand over her body. "5," she said. "5 what?" Laurel asked, her voice shaking. "5 million." "Why is she wroth money?" Oliver asked. "If there was a Deadpool, she'd be worth 5 million," she explained, "But this isn't for money, it''s just a cold-blooded death."

"Step 5: make up a story. Her vigilante work got the best of her," she said and Laurel scoffed. "Stop it!" She yelled. "Step 6: who is the killer?" Lydia asked and everyone quieted.

"Who is the killer?" She repeated and Oliver took a step closer to her. "Stop," he whispered, pulling the note pad and pen from her hands. "I'm sorry Laurel," she exhaled, dropping her head. Oliver watched her look at everyone before leaving the hideout.


Oliver and the rest of the team, were at the cemetery at Sara's former grave, getting ready to bury her.

"Does anyone have a few words?" Oliver asked, putting his hands behind his back. "Sara was a good friend that helped Sin and me in the Glades," Roy spoke. "Sara Lance, great friend, warrior, and a protector of Starling City," Oliver said and everyone agreed.

Oliver heard footsteps crunch the leaves and he turned around. "Lydia," he said softly and she stood next to him. "When someone of the pack dies, we right their symbol on their casket," she said, getting into the six ground hole. She pulled out a jar of gray dust and sprinkled it onto her casket. "The Canary," Laurel said with a faint smile. Lydia motioned for help, and Oliver pulled her up onto the ground.

Felicity walked over to the pile of dirt and picked up a handful. "This is a Jewish thing," she explained, tossing the dirt onto the casket. Oliver was surprised to see that the gray dusted mark didn't move when the dirt hit it. "What kind of dust did you use to mark it?" He whispered. "Mountain ash."

Laurel walked over and grabbed dirt and tossed it on Sara's casket, "Goodbye sister." Roy and Diggle did the same thing before Oliver did. "It's time," he said, grabbing a shovel. Roy and Diggle grabbed a shovel and started filling up the grave.


This part was SHORT, I had nothing else to write about

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