Animation vs Babysitting

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The Guradian's POV

"Here's her food, my number, and please keep her away from water," Red explained while pleading. "Are you sure you can do this?"

"Red, I swear on my life I will keep Vira safe and happy for the few hours she stays with me." I give Red and Dark Lord an exasperated sigh.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. Besides, Victim will be here to help." Dark Lord tried to reassure Red as they went out the door, leaving me with Vira.

"Hey there Vira," I cooed at little Vira. Walking over to the couch in mine and Victim's house, I sat down and started bottle feeding Vira. As I started to burb Vira, I could feel a slight sting in the air and Vira disappeared in a flash of red light.

"Victim!" Victim came running over, stumbling every other step.

"What happened? Where's Vira?" Victim panted out.

"I-I don't know. She just disappeared, and I don't where she is. Red is going to kill me." I started crying towards the end of my rant.

"Let's calm down and find her," Victim reasoned with me. Taking a deep breath, I agreed. It took a total of five minutes to find her in the bed we set up for her. Thankfully the rest of the evening went without trouble. Red and Dark Lord picked her, and she was still sleeping.

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