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This is in Alan's POV as he finds Purple.


As Second and I worked on our animation of a dragon flying, I noticed Facebook Messenger open with a message from my cousin Josh. I pause, causing Second to look at me in confusion. I hadn't talked to Josh for years, and he sends me the message "I'm having some trouble with a stick figure. I know you specialize with these sorts of problems, so can you come over." I frown at the message; I didn't know Josh was at all interested art, much less animating.

Second starts jumping on the messenger app in boredom. With a quick click, I grab him and move him off safely to the animation app. I quickly message Josh, "I'll be there in ten," before telling Second "break time" in text. Second looked a little frustrated at the early break but left anyways to play with the colored gang.

I grab my keys and head out. A few minutes later, I arrive at a grey house. Knocking at the door, I'm greeted by an overenthusiastic cousin, Josh who is a few years older than me.

"Come this way," Josh stated before dragging me through the door. "I thought leaving him to his own computer would solve everything, but he found a way to leave the computer and keeps messing with me."

"Wait, you left him alone?" I asked confused.

"Well, when you told me about The Chosen One, I thought better safe than sorry," Josh said sheepishly before leasing me to a computer with an orange wallpaper with a Minecraft village shown. I almost gasp as a purple stick figure walked across the screen, jumping back when he sees me and Josh.

"So," Josh whined. I looked to him and back to purple. Without a second thought, I sit down in the computer chair and bring up Paint.

"We haven't met, but I'm Alan. I believe you met Second?" I type out in Paint. I watch as he looks over my message and hopes over to Paint.

"Yeah?" Purple displays in bright purple letters.

"Josh can you leave us for a little," I yell over my shoulder. A few seconds, I hear the door close. "Now let's see how much you messed up, " I muttered to myself.

"Josh told me he just left you alone, is that true?" I type out. Even though Josh is my cousin, I trust him as far as I can throw him.

"Yes, I never wanted trouble, but I hate being alone. That's why I bother him. I want him to treat me like how you treat Second." Purple said through his letters.

"You've been on my computer before. How would you like to stay there?" I ask, typing. Knowing Josh, he just wants Purple to leave him alone. Josh doesn't care about anyone but himself. Honestly, Purple is lucky Josh hasn't tried to delete him.

"Are you sure that's the only way?" Purple asked.

"I'm sorry, but Josh cares about no one but himself. If you come over then you can meet Chosen, and hang out with Second and the others." I type out, hoping he'll say yes.

"Okay," Purple said before jumping out of Paint and headed to the nether portal. He waves at me, so I give him a small wave.

As I head out the door, I tell Josh "Purple's will be with me for a while." Josh just shrugs and lets me leave. As I get home and enter the basement, I see Purple is already playing Minecraft with the others, including Chosen. As I sit down in my computer chair, the stick figures paused to wave to me. As I watch them play, I open the animation app to continue where Second and I paused. As I started to work, Second came by and asked if I needed help. I told him that I'm good and to have fun with the others.

Life in the Computer (Old Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora