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Alan's POV

Panicking, I click rapidly to sen Second and the others to the safe house. I added the plugin after the virabot fiasco so if something got out of control, I could send them to my computer upstairs where they could be safer. Chosen actually helped me come up with the idea of a safe room. Yellow and Dark Lord helped me with the actual software part.

Dark Lord seemed determined to stay, so I let him. Reluctantly, I let him. As the cursor got destroyed, I panicked more. There was nothing I could do for Dark Lord. Red is going to be so mad. Mouthing 'sorry' to him, I ran up the stairs to my room. My wife looked at me started.

"Stick figure problem!" I shout out as I run past her and into the room. Sitting in the chair, I bring up the saferoom program. Everyone was there. Looking in the chat that all the stick figures can use, I see Red as panicky as I am.

"Where is Dark?" RRed put in the chat.

"He wanted to stay, but Chosen has him and the computer. I'm sorry." I type out as I wipe tears from my eyes.

"You okay?" I hear my wife ask from the doorway. Turning to her, I let the tears out. I can't let Second or the other stick figures see me cry. I need to be strong for them.

"Chosen went bad again," I choke out. "I just can't believe he would," I try to say until no words could come out. My wife, Ruby quickly led me out of the room into the hall.

"What happened?" She asked me with a stern tone. Tears streamed down my face as she pulled me into a hug.

"I don't know. Chosen and Dark got into an argument a while ago. Chosen was sulking until he disappeared a few days ago. He just showed up red with spikes and started deleting everything. He has Dark Lord captured and I can't do anything because Chosen deleted the mouse and the start button. I can't do anything to keep them safe." I rant to her. As she rubs small circles into my back, I can feel my breath normalize.

"Hey, you can do anything you put your mind to. Now wipe those tears and save your friends." Ruby told me as she pulled back. Wiping my tears, I went back to the computer in my room.

"Red, is it possible for Dark Lord to have rebuilt virabot?" I ask them in the chat. Red sheepishly nods his head. "I believe Chosen merged with virabot and that is how he got new powers. Yellow, is there any way we can separate them?" I type in chat.

"Possibly, but we need Dark Lord," Yellow tells me in the chat. Nodding, I tell them to stay out before going back downstairs. With a deep breath, I shut down the computer, manually and start it up again. Hoping it would work, I impatiently wait for the computer to start up again. As the screen comes back with all the deletions gone, I quickly send Dark Lord to the saferoom before Chosen could delete the mouse and start button again.

Before I go back up to the computer in my room, I see Chosen start deleting everything on the computer. As I reach the computer, I see the others already telling Dark Lord the plan.

"It is possible to separate them, but the separation could kill Vira. The only way to do it safely would be through a machine I built a while back." Dark Lord tells everyone through chat. From the way he stood, I could tell he didn't want to use the weapon he had in mind.

"What is the weapon?" I ask Dark Lord.

"It can turn a stick figure into a human outside of the computer permanently. It's only theoretical since I never tested it out, but that would be the end result." Dark Lord explained in chat while looking down.

"Get it," I tell him in chat.

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