Nothing Left to Lose

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Second's POV


Waking up, I hope down from my mansion to see Alan drawing. I stretch as I skip over to the tab and ask him if he needs any help. I always like to help Alan out. He used to be horrible at drawing, but now he is decent.

"Only if you keep this a secret" Alan typed. I looked over the drawing and realized it was a nice room for the wedding. I nodded quickly. "I need help with the decorations."

"Got it!" I told him excitedly. Together, we got the room ready in under an hour. As we did our high-five, a portal opened. In stepped what appeared to be a red stick figure with spikes as hands and antennas on his back. Before I could react, Alan quickly clicked on me to send me to the safe house he created after the virabot incident. He must have sent the others because the metal room was filled with the others. Everyone except Dark Lord.


Dark's POV

I was watching Alan and my little brother, Second draw when I noticed a portal opened. Getting an electro-ball ready, I watch as The Chosen One using my daughter came through. Anger seized me as I sent an electro0ball his way to give Alan enough time to send everyone to the safe house. I shake my head as he almost sends me there.

"I need to save my daughter," I tell him before punching the ground, sending a shockwave to Chosen. As we fought, Alan helped me fight Chosen. We didn't want to hurt him too much since he was using Vira. Each blat became harder to dodge as he started to delete the computer bit by bit.

"Chosen, you are making a mistake," I yell to him.

"The path of hate is a dangerous track. You take one step and it's hard to turn back. It pulls you along and though it seems wrong, it feels right." I sing to him softly as I put out my defense.

"Don't you see this path you're on leaves a permanent mark. It feels good at first, then it slowly turns dark. With each passing day, you're further astray from the light." I sing louder as I step closer to him. He puts down his arms and backs away from me.

"Suddenly you lose your way and lose the thread. Lose your cool, then lose your head. Every loss is harder to excuse. Then you'll see you'll lose your faith and lose your soul. 'Til you lose complete control, and realize there's nothing left to lose. Nothing left to lose." I sing with him looking down. Could I be getting through to him?

"Chosen, trust me. Becoming the villain isn't the ans-"

"Is that you think I am?" Chosen yells back at me.

"The path I'm on is a path paint in black. I'm taking that road and I'm not looking back. Each twist and each turn leads straight where I'm yearning to go. Yes, it's true my path is dark but I see where it ends. My rivals will fall as my power ascends. Despise me, that's fine. I'm taking what's mine. Even so, not like you. You lost your nerve. You lost the game, but you and I, we're not the same. I'm not lost. This fate was mine to choose." Chosen sings as he sends paths of red towards me. He starts marching towards the file with his castle.

"So I chose to lose my doubt and lose my chains. Lose each weakness that remains. Now that I have nothing left to lose. Nothing left to lose." Chosen yells as he swings his hand towards the file. Running, I pull the hand away.

"You have so much to hold onto," I sing as Chosen swings his hand at me.

"I only want my rightful dues,"

"Listen, please. You've lost your grip and lost your mind,"

"Lose, I'm not gonna lose.

"All is not lost, don't be so blind."

"I refuse,"

"Cut your loses. Drop the IOU's"

"I refuse"


"I lose no tears and lose no sleep. What I want, I'll take and keep."

"It's time for you to choose,"

"You can't stop,"

"The turning of the screws," We sing in sync. Hovering over a hunched Chosen, I did not see the red rocks shooting from the ground, encaging me.

"You'll stay in that cage until this is done," Chosen tells me

"Now I've got nothing left to lose," Chosen finishes as he deletes the mouse icon and the start button. Another swipe, the castle Alan made for Chosen is gone.

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