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"I don't think this is a good idea, Himiko. Shigaraki said we should wait."

The crazed blond sticks out her tongue, "You're no fun, Twice, I just wanna' get some pretty boys blood, then we'll be right back." She waves her hand around in a dismissive manner.

"Oh okay!" The jumpsuit clad villain covers his mouth, "Wait, no, this isn't good, you can't just attack a student!"

Himiko lets out a prolonged 'shh', "That's why I'm going to use this, a friend of mine made it." She holds a microscopic device between her thumb and index finger, a devilish grin on her blushing face, "It's a fake mosquito, so when we use this tiny controller thingy, we can make it go stabby stabby at someone and take their blood, without them even realising!"


"A public bath? That seems grim." I grimace at the thought, dragging myself to the bathhouse. Our bath is of course after Class A because why should our second rate class get to be first at anything? Now am I not only going to have to simmer in my own classmates filth, but I also have to suffer through 1-A's too.

"Oi, what're you doing here?" A rough hand grabs my shoulder, though I don't need to see the person to know who it is.

I shrug off the hand and continue to walk at a slower pace, "'I was gonna' jump into a disgusting warm pond with nothing but a towel."

His eyes narrow, "You mean a bath?"

"I'd rather have a bath at peace in my house then share it with a bunch of my classmates, Japan prides itself on hygiene but some of your traditions are downright grim."

He scoffs at the comment, "You wash yourself before you go in, it isn't grim, you're grim."

"Did you stop me to have a go at me or what?"

The blond once again grabs my shoulder but shy's his head away, "Dumbass, I wanted to know if... if you're doing good, you looked pretty pathetic earlier." He tries to spit out the last part in a rush, a futile attempt to mask his concern.

I press my hand against my mouth to suppress a snicker but it fails to work, "Your attempts at comfort are appalling but I appreciate it." Oh no, I just thought of something corny to say- don't say it [M/N], "I'm doing okay, but a kiss would make me feel even better." Fuck, that was the worst cheese, it wasn't even that creative-

My body spins to face him, a smirk on his face as he plants a kiss on my lips, one hand caressing my cheek and the other one gently grasping my waist. His rough grip on my body sends a shiver throughout my body, making me lean in to deepen the kiss. The firm press of our lips quickly melts into something deeper and more passionate, this kiss being far more thrilling then our first. I run my hands up and down his toned back, my fingers curling, grasping for more.

"Ow!" A sharp sting shoots through my leg and the feeling repeats about a centimetre away from the original pain.

Katsuki and I bump heads as I struggle to move away, my balance unsteady from the sudden interruption, "Oi, what the hell?!"

I begin to rapidly swat at the air, "A bastard mosquito bit me on my fucking leg, twice!" I seethe the last part, "It stings like a motherfucker!" My fingers run across the sore spot but fail to find any evidence of a bite, "Eh, it feels like I was stabbed by a pin or something, I don't see any marks."

The blond mumbles something under his breath but fails to repeat it, "Just go have your bath, moment's ruined."

"Well it's not my fucking fault that disgusting bug was peckish." I grumble to him as I turn on my heel and stuff my hands into my pockets.

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara