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"Oh my God, it's finally over." Pony sighs in relief, fanning herself with a cheap fan.

"Hey, I was the one fighting all day! I'm the one who should be exhausted." I grumble the last part, not exactly asked to argue.

"At least you get to be part of the closing ceremony, I just have to watch you all get your medals."

Kendo chips in, "Hey, I see [M/N]s win as an accomplishment for the whole of 1-B." I don't know if she's saying that to be motivational or to make herself feel better, but right now, I couldn't care less, "[M/N], are you listening?"

She lifts my head from my hands, so I rest it on her shoulder, "Tired..." I mumble into her jacket. I hear Pony slightly giggle at my antics, "Just wake me up when I have to go get my medal."

"I'm guessing this is mostly the side effect of Recovery Girls quirk." Pony states, and she must be right, as I miraculously drift off to sleep in an instant.


"In third place," The Voice Hero starts, "Is [L/N] [M/N]!" The crowd cheers wildly, applause filling the open stadium. Unfortunately, [M/N] is in a comatose state and is not able to revel in the congratulations.

"[L/N], is anyone in there?!" Present Mic booms over the microphone.

"Oi, wake you you idiot!" Katsuki screams through the his restraints, but the boy fails to rise from his slumber.

"Young [M/N], I will struggle to give you your medal and any advice." The number one hero states, only to get ignored by the sleeping male.

"Yo, can someone get this kid a bed?" Mic questions, to which a member of staff complies, bringing a bed from Recovery Girls office. All Might gently places the gold medal around his shoulders.

All Might congratulates the other two winners, albeit with difficulty when he tries to calm the number one. With that, the U.A Sports Festival is officially over.

"[M/N], you need to wake up." The number one hero tries to coax the sleeping student from his slumber, but the results are no different from last time. Katsuki, now free from his restraints, approaches the two. He cups his hand around his sparring partners ear, and roughly shouts, "Wake the fuck up you dunce!" Alas, the boy is still comatose.

"Young Bakugo, he's going to have to rest in Recovery Girls room. There's no use in trying to wake him now."

He thinks for a minute, before deciding what to do with the boy, "This idiot will probably get lost on his way home, we go the same direction so I might as well take him."

"Bakugo, that won't be-"

"I'm taking him!" All Might backs off, knowing he can't reason with the teen.

"Just be safe, young Bakugo. You're recognised by the whole of Japan now, as a hero. From now one, you will always have a target on your back."

He scoffs at the advice, "It's just 'cus everyone knows I'm number one! I can handle those jealous weaklings, don't worry."


I groggily open my eyes, slightly panicking when I feel elevated. I debate on whether or not I'm being kidnapped, so instead of opening my eyes, I listen to what's going on around me. I hear the city noise and some voices of who I'm assuming to be high school girls nearby.

"E-Excuse me?" She stammers.

"What do you want, can't you see I'm busy?" Oh, is that Katsuki?

"Sorry, it's just me and my friend were wondering if..." She trails off, he sentence being finished by a higher voice.

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now