Lemon-balm Tea

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"Tsukauchi-san, isn't that the kid you've been looking into?" An unnamed officer asks the detective.

"That boy... He's up to something and I will figure out what it is! He's been driving me insane these past few months. He's always hanging around that place, which I can only assume is a hideout. All I need it permission to storm the place."

The officer looks at his coworker in what could only be described as confusion mixed with disdain, "Look Makoto, he's just student, a U.A one, at that. He probably just doesn't realise how bad the place is. You're being borderline obsessive..."

"What did you say?! I am not obsessive, just a hard worker. Trust me, that boy is up to something suspicious." She finishes the statement with a vindictive glare.


Ah, now this is what you need after a long and crazy day, something very familiar to myself. This area is generally pretty quiet, probably because most people are too scared to come here, due to the type of people who live around here. I don't judge this place by the people however, the vibe in some specific places is pretty chill, like this tea shop.

This humble restaurant is on the top floor of some shady looking building. I found this place by simply wandering about, nothing suspicious about it- okay, that's a lie, I was chasing a cat. It ended up being owned by the owners of the tea shop.

"Dear, why do you come here so much. I do appreciate your patronage, but our tea is mostly drunk for it's healing properties." The wife starts, a sweet old lady.

Then her husband picks up for her, "Tell me son, are you in good health?" A benefit to this place is that I'm usually able to relax and sort out my thoughts, "You seem to order our lemon-balm tea, what's unnerving you?"

I take a long sip of my tea for dramatic effect, "I guess I've been suffering from some inner turmoil. Fighting bad guys and training on a regular basis takes it toll."

"Oh? Is that really all there is to it?" Nami asks but is quickly interrupted. The door creeks open and a man in a trench coat, very spooky. He doesn't say a word and instead opts for sitting in the corner and pulling out a laptop. Kisho, the husband, goes to help him, leaving Nami and myself, "There seems to be something else troubling you. Love, perhaps?"

"Uh, yeah, something like that." I take a bite of the lemon cake I ordered with my tea, "It's pretty dumb if you ask me."

She chuckles, almost spilling her tea, "Trust me, love is a beautiful thing. It will only eat at you if you avoid it. So tell me, what's she like?" My face heats up, not due to the tea. I hesitate on correcting her, she seems pretty traditional, she might kick me out for all I know, "Oh, is it not a girl?" Okay, you can relax now, [M/N].

"Well, he acts really tough, but he does care. Though I feel guilty about how I feel about him, he's not the nicest to my cousin..."

"Love isn't something you can control. Trust me, if you had told me fifty years ago that I'd marry Kisho, I'd have punched you." Nami laughs at the thought, "He wasn't a very nice man, but I was able to help him find himself."

We both look over to him and see him calmly tidying a table, he certainly looks at peace now. I glance at my phone and see that it's nearing seven, so I grab my bag and bid the couple farewell and thank Nami for the advice.


The walk back home was interesting, to say the least. I stopped at my workplace to pick up a game and while on my way out of the shop, I see the same man from the tea shop. Sure, maybe it's just a coincidence.

Then I stopped at the multi-ethnic place to get my hands on some of the good kush- you know, the off-brand monster munch. Guess who was there when I was just out of the door, that's right, creepy tea guy. At this point, I still put it down to coincidence but guess who was there pretty much every time I look behind me.

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now