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I impatiently pace back and forth like a caged animal, my low frustrated growls adding to the aesthetic,  "Jesus fucking Christ just answer the phone already!" My attempts to save the first year hero course have so far been cockblocked by the infamous school not answering my calls. How goddamn hard is it for one of the biggest hero schools this side of the equator to pick up the phone?

Third time's the charm.

The device is about to let out it's final ring, then someone finally picks up. I make a point to hurriedly say the reason I called, fed up with this bullshit, "Yeah uh hi, I'm [L/N] [M/N], can I speak to literally any staff who's going to the training camp?"

After some murmurs that I'm unable to hear, someone speaks, "What do you want, [M/N]?" The greasy haired drifter audibly sighs, making it apparent he'd rather be sleeping.

I take a deep breath, knowing I sound like a madman, "This is gonna' sound crazy, but we need to..." I lose what I'm saying, my mouth dry. There is no way I can tell this man that some dream could be my sixth sense telling me to ensure everyone's safety.

"You're taking to long, I'm passing you to Yamada." The static shuffles make my pull the phone from my ear.

"Yo, waassup [M/N]!"

Jesus, the sheer volume of this mans voice makes me cringe, "Oh, hey. Look, I kinda' need to talk to Aizawa or Vlad about the training camp-"

"Don't worry, just tell it to me and I can pass it on!"

I suppose it's probably easier to tell him, he might actually believe me, "Okay, what if I told you I had a vision, in the form of a dream, that we will be getting attacked by villains and Katsuki is gonna' get kidnapped?"


"That isn't funny [M/N], especially with all the stress the school-"

"I'm not kidding!" I take a breath to calm myself down, "I know how crazy I sound and I don't typically believe any of this sixth sense stuff but... it all felt so real. I'm telling you this now because what if something does happen, even if it's not the same as what happened in my dream." I pinch the bridge of my nose as I berate myself in my head about how much of an incompetent fool I am, "Could you just, I dunno', ramp up security or something..." My voice trails off, not really knowing what else to say.

The other end of the line once again sounds dead silent, until the blond speaks up once again, "I'll talk it other with the others, just try to relax and don't stress yourself, okay?" I nod, despite knowing he can't see me. I hang up the phone and flop down, back first, onto the plush bed, holding my hand above my eyes to block out the light.

I'm so stupid, idiotic, brainless, dimwitted, incredulously moronic to think my dream meant anything. All it was is nerves and now I've gotten myself and others worried about. Hell, even Yanagi doesn't want to come-

The door creaks open, "[M/N], are you packed? We're leaving tomorrow."

"Yeah, don't worry Izu, though you should probably pack a weapon."

The freckled boys eyes widen, "A-A weapon?! W-What do you mean?!"

"I dunno', a knife should do, though I think a gun would be better considering how easily you get hurt." My blunt take with a next to nonchalant tone leaves the greenette a stammering mess, "It's for protection, dummy."

The younger gives an uncertain nod, silently going to his side of the room an wondering why on Gods green Earth he would need protection during a U.A school trip- now that he thinks about it, this is probably the school you need to guard yourself most at, considering the numerous villain encounters.

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now