Spicy Curry

536 35 22

[N/N]- nickname

I try to lean on the five foot lime green dinosaur, but instantly retract my arm when I feel a sticky residue on the surface. I presume it's due to disgusting children rubbing their greasy hands on poor Tyrone the Dinosaur. It's been about ten minutes since the meet up time and I see no sign of my date, I start considering if I should bail, the nerves I pushed aside bubbling up.

"Hey, you," I hear a voice behind me, "Has someone else been waiting here?" Wait, is that-

He grabs my shoulder to make me face him, "Katsuki?"

"Huh, what the fuck are you doing here?" I swear to all that is holy, Mina is gonna' get done in if this is what I think it is.

"I'm waiting for that date I told you about, Mina set it up." The look on his face tells me everything. Now that I think about, when I last mentioned this, he acting pretty weird.

"Why the hell would she set me up with a guy? This your fucking fault!"

"Hey, how the fuck was I supposed to know you're my date? It's a blind date." I scoff at his stupidity, "Look, there's no point complaining now, Mina's gone to all the trouble to do this, we've got an out to kill, so I don't know about you, but I wanna show these brats how a real pro skates."

"Hah, you think you're better than me? I'm badass at roller skating, I could beat you any day." Oho, is this a challenge?

"You think you can beat the master? Not only was I the best on the rink, I was the best on the streets."

"You did street skating? How lawless." His words drip with sarcasm, making me enraged, how dare  he insult such a dangerous craft. Next thing you know, he'll be insulting Heelys™. 

I extend my hand, "May the best man win."

I feel the bass in the music thump in rhythm with my heart, my feet moving in time with the sound echoing throughout the establishment. By now, there were few people at the skating area, those who were kept their distance. The song ends and so does my routine, earning a light applause from the on lookers.

"That was... mediocre at best." Katsuki smirks at his statement.

"As if. Just do us all a favour and don't be a sore loser." I get the finger from him as he rolls to the centre of the rink. The song starts, it being a high energy pop song. He's definitely going to have trouble keeping up with this beat, my win is pretty much guaranteed.

He warms up with some basic moves, a nine year old could do the same, but as the the music progresses, he attempts to do some more intricate tricks. He fails miserably. Despite this, the way his body moves is so captivating, his flexibility is beyond compare. The sweat pouring off him highlights his abs, holy fuck is he hot-

Wait, fuck, don't think about that. He's your friend, [M/N], barely that, in fact. But Jesus, do I want that body wrapped around m-

Impure thoughts! Stop them, you don't actually feel like that, and if you did then it would never happen anyway! I feel the blood rush to my cheeks, luckily not downstairs.

"Oi, were you actually paying attention." A warm hand rests on my shoulder.

"H-Hey, don't sneak up on me like that!" I'm getting nervous for some fucking reason, "This is lame, I'm just gonna head home." I grumble, but Suki spins me to face him.

"No way, you were the one who said to stay, so you better stick to your word. Anyway, we still need to get a vote from the people watching us."

"Katsuki, don't even go there, you know I did way better."

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now