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"Okay, so I just realised I don't have too many girlfriends in my contacts that you'd get along with, sorry [M/N]." Mina scrolls up and her contacts list, desperately trying to find me a soulmate before my next round begins.

"Just make sure you hold up your end of the deal. I wouldn't mind being set up with a girl from your class, especially that recommended student."

She spits out her bubble tea, "There is no way I'm setting you two up, she's too pure for you."

"First off, have you seen her hero costume? She could rival Midnight if she wanted too." I take a sip of the iron brew I brought to school with me, "Secondly, how can you drink that boba shit, it looks like frog eggs in a cup."

"Hunny, this tastes delicious, you're just not man enough to try it, periodt." I go to tell her how weird it is to say 'periodt' out loud, but stop myself, as she does stuff like this all the time, "Oh, I know, I could set you up with a guy."

"H-Hey, you don't need to be so loud about it." Despite my wanting to be out, I don't want to face any discrimination that comes with it.

"Okay, how about we try to get you to be more comfortable about it with the people you love!" Pinky clasps her hands together, letting a wide grin plaster her face, "You haven't told yet, have you? Lets start with him." Before I can stop her, she's already waving him over, "Midoriya!" She coos.

His head of green hair bobs up and down as he jogs toward us, "What do you need?" Mina pushes me forward.

"[M/N] has something he wants to tell you."

He looks at me expectantly, "Uh, so basically..." I start to trail off, a lump building up in my throat, "It's nothing bad, but.." My thumbs go red from my habit of rubbing them when I get nervous, "You know what, it's dumb, forget Mina even called you over." I shove past him and go to hide in one of the waiting rooms, face flushed crimson.

The handle is cold against my heated skin, but I pay it no mind as I stumble my way into the room. I see tail man sat very concerned at the table, and I almost gag at the putrid smell of sweat in the room- I guess it's to be expected, tons of sweaty teens have been in here throughout the course of the day, "Sup, man." I greet as I sit on the sofa on the opposite side of the room. He doesn't answer, so I proceed to prod further, "You don't look to great, do you need some water?"

He finally looks to me, "I guess you didn't get to fight Shinsou, huh." It was a statement, rather than a question, but I still nod, regardless.

"Yeah, I'm pretty bummed about it, though now I should get a date soon, so there's a silver lining."

"I don't think we've been formally introduced. I'm Ojiro Mashirao."

"Cool, I feel better now that I can stop referring to you as a furry." He just gives me a look of suppressed disappointment, but doesn't say anything.

"Well, do you want a way to get back at him?"

Ojiro brings in Izuku, to my dismay. I don't want to talk to him after running away like the little bitch I am.

"Whatever you do, do not speak to him." He emphasises.

"Oh, so that's how he controlled me?" Ojiro nods.

"Exactly. From what I've heard, he will try and trick you to say anything, his quirk sounds pretty villainous to me."

Izu speaks up, "Apparently he wants to get into the hero course, so I guess this is way to try and show everyone that he has the potential."

"I will admit," I start, "The entrance exam was very biased to those with physical strength, even if rescue points were counted, most of the rescuing required heavy lifting. I feel pretty bad for him." They both nod in agreement, "So, just remember to be your usual quite self, Greenie!" I give him a big pat on the back.

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now