Where shinobi reunite

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I've never regretted something in my life, as much as I regret being myself and doing what I did...

But you know what? regret does not solve the situations.

Our actions do.


"For a moment, I thought I was going to be present of a defenestration...." A tall Uchiha said while letting out a sigh of relief.

The tension seemed to disipate as the ponytailed Uchiha also sighed in relief before snorting.

However... "What's a denefrestatuon??" A little child asked, confused as hell. I mean, no one gave signs of a doing dnesfreatitacion.

"Hn." The younger raven chuckled at the child, as if he was telling him to not look at him.

"I know you know Ita-nii!! what's denestrfacion?!" The ocean eyed boy tried again, crossing his arms and throwing a mini disimulated tantrum.

The older noirette broke into laughter an patted the child's head, before saying: "It's the act of throwing someone out of a window." followed by a smirk.

The blondo blinked once... blinked twice... and wait what?!?!

"I'm just glad this is over." The tired shinobi with eye bags and everything, mumbled when he saw his comrade trying to explain the word to the child.

But wait....

What was the origin of this interaction?

To know it, we need to go back on our time fingerprints. When it was early in the morning, the birds were singing and the sun was shining brightly.

In this sunny morning, you could spot two black haired shinobi making their way towards the forest of death with the ghost of a smile in their faces.

When they arrived at their destination -making sure no one followed them of course- they saw a little sunshine blob bouncing from one place to another.

"Naruto!!!" the older shinobi said/yelled, while walking up to the blondo.

"Nii-sans!!!" said ocean eyed boy replied and immediately ran to hug his brothers.

Both Uchihas waited for the hug with arms open... and weirdly enough both Uchihas were smiling at the blondo as they all shared a bear hug.

"How have you been Naru?" One of the ravenettes said while patting the other's head, recieving a bright smile from said child. "Cool, how's your training going? have you eaten yet? How's Kurama treating you?" he continued with his interrogation.

The blondo chuckled; this is what it felt to have a family right?

"Don't worry Ita-nii, I haven't stopped training or eating one single day 'ttebayo!" Naruto assured with another smile. "Well... atually... about training..." he started rambling.

"Hn?" Itachi looked at the nervous kid; who was by now poking his fingers together repeatedly.

"There's something I need to show you!" The blondo said/yelled and immediately hid his face after. He was nervous okay? this could change the course of his life after all!!

"Alright." Shisui added himself to the conversation. "We're all eyes and ears." he added while patting the spot next to him, signaling the other noirette to sit down.

So, when both ravens were sitting and watching; Naruto was bouncing from one place to another in a weird mixture of nervousness and excitement.

And it's was normal, I mean, said boy was about to show his nii-sans the biggest achievement in his life!! of course it what if he did it wrong? What if he failed and died or something?

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