Chapter 9

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A/N: Hullo and happy Tuesday! We're almost to the third of the way mark! 

I will keep this short, but I do want to note that this week's chapter is only in Royce's POV. Laina's will be much longer next week. c: 

Question of the week: It may sound odd, but what are your favorite smells? Could be something you're drawn to, could be something that makes your mouth water, could be something nostalgic.

I've been asking many of my family members and closest friends this question lately and it's interesting to hear their responses. Being an unusual question, it tends to catch them off guard, but the responses are delightful. As for me, my favorite smells are: the smell of the earth after it rains (which has a name btw, it's petrichor!), the smell of coffee brewing, and my dad and boyfriend's shirts (is that weird? It's a comforting, homely smell and they make excellent pajama shirts, so).

What are your favorite smells? I wanna hear 'em!

As usual, thank you SO much for reading and supporting me and my work. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow! I hope the rest of your week is as lovely as you. ^u^

Royce smiled to himself as he stepped through the front doors of the station, a warm cup of coffee in hand. He waved to Irene at the administration desk and took another sip from his cup.

"Well, you look well rested. Feeling any better?"

Royce set his cup on his desk and slid his jacket off onto his chair. The sheriff leaned on the doorway to his office with crossed arms, a smug look on his wrinkled face.

"After almost twenty hours of sleep, two graciously cooked homemade meals I received, and a fresh cup of coffee this morning--I feel like someone hit the hard reset button."

The sheriff huffed out a gruff chuckle and moved over to a white board in the corner of the room with details on Natalie's case, pictures of the white truck she was taken in, and the twelve polaroids Royce had found all hanging up on it. There were comments and arrows drawn all around the pictures like a twisted map to ancient ruins lost in time.

"What's all this?" He pointed to the board.

The sheriff stepped over to it and motioned.

"This is everything we've found. We tried to put it all up in one spot so everyone in the unit could see it and maybe we could organize it a bit better. But after all the arrows and writing put on it, it, uh, hasn't been straightened out at all." The sheriff rubbed his neck as he glanced over the messy board.

Royce took a sip from his cup. "Did you check for fingerprints on the polaroids yet? Or find any DNA in the box?"

"We checked both things, but got nothing back." He pulled off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I called into the lab again this morning and asked about the bottles and tools we sent in but they said they hadn't been touched yet. Apparently evidence on a triple homicide from the south gets precedence to an abducted nine year old girl."

Royce knew his frustration, it itched his own skin too. Three people had died, and that was terrible, but wouldn't it make more sense to push the case where the victim could still be alive and found? He shook his head at his computer as he booted it up.

"Anything else on the box or pictures?" Royce tried not to linger too long in his frustration. Today was a new day with new possibilities. Natalie was still out there and it made no sense to sit around and wait for delayed lab results. Besides, he had new evidence now that could help with finding their suspect. That was what he needed to focus on.

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