Chapter 29

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A/N: Hello my lovelies and happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a great rest of your week and hopefully this week is some of the same (or better).

This week we transfer back into a *long* chapter in both Royce and Abigail's POV. Did you notice my transferring from using Laina to Abigail? c;

For those of you who skipped the end of last week's chapter due to the trigger warning:

Abigail confronts Ethan about the matching bracelets and FINALLY he admits that yes, they are the same and yes, one was Rebecca's. Which means YES, Rebecca Howard WAS Elaine Evans and she, was not who he claimed she was all along. She presses him on this fact and refuses to admit that she is Abigail. He grabs her wrist, twists it painfully, and she runs to escape out the front door. He catches her, tackles, her, and they fight on the floor. She escapes and nearly gets to the door before he pins her down yet again, but this time her fight is short-lived as he hits her over the head with a bat by the door and knocks her out.

When she reawakens, she is bound to the bed frame upstairs by her wrists and her ankles. She cannot escape, she is drugged yet again, and she notices bandages on both wrists. Ethan and Dr. Wallace come in and Dr. Wallace replaces her bandages with an air of pity and disappointment. Once he leaves, Ethan says he was so glad she was finally getting better and things were looking up but of course, she had to go and kill herself. He explains that he found her in the bath upstairs while he had been working outside previously, both her wrists had been slit with one of his tools, and he struggled to get her out of the tub. He called Dr. Wallace, together they got her sedated and tied up to keep her from further 'harming herself.' She stared at Ethan wide-eyed, afraid, confused, and so alone. He smirks. She wonders why he hasn't just killed her and then she realizes--her baby, his baby. Their baby was the only thing keeping her alive.

HOO. *exhales* what a mouthful. I'm not very good at summarizing things--sorry. c:

Anyway, because of this long-winded note, I will skip the question of the week this week and let you guys get on with the chapter. I hope you enjoy it, and please don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share to show your support! I love you guys, happy reading! 


Royce's foot tapped against the tile floor in a sporadic rhythm.

It had been hours since he had sent out the emails with Ethan's picture. It had been hours since he'd spoken to Yazmine Bordeau. And it had been well past a few hours since the sheriff had called the lab and demanded their samples be pushed to the front of the line. He glanced at his watch. It was nearly 7:00 p.m.

He had been at the station for over twelve hours at this point and he wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep. But no matter what his body craved, his mind refused to comply.

His thoughts raced through everything he knew, he skimmed through all of his notes, made calls, looked through the databases three times, and got up more than once to look at the polaroids on the white board behind him to make absolutely sure he didn't miss anything.

He hadn't.

There was nothing new to him, nothing that stuck out even with all the knowledge he had gained. He could only wait and yet his mind refused to relax.

"Hernandez, get anything?" The sheriff stepped out from his office and stopped in the aisle between Eric's and his desk.

Royce shook his head and refreshed his email for probably the hundredth time that day.

"Nothing. It was one email. And I asked for a pretty simple response. You'd think at least a few of the eleven families would respond at this point." He sighed, refreshing his email again and running a hand through his hair when it came back empty.

The Polaroid GirlsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora