Chapter 11

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A/N: Hello, hello and happy Tuesday! 

First: Guys--guys--we're a third of the way there! If you've read this far then give yourself the greatest, most enthusiastic high-five (and know that I wish I could give each and every one of you personal high-fives too). We are one-third down! AHhHhHh!

Second: A HUGE thanks to all of my readers, voters, commenters, and supporters. Writing this behemoth of a story has been stressful, but amazing. Knowing that there are people out there who come back every week to read more of it--ugh, *faints*.

You guys are the best, seriously. Thank you so much for supporting me and my writing. c:

Third: Question of the week: Because the symptoms of Autumn are showing, what is your guys' favorite season? Mine would be either Spring or Autumn, I can't decide. o.- I like being cool rather than hot, I *love* wearing cozy flannels, and I dig the frequent rain spattered with bright, sunny days here and there. So either one works, really.

What season brings out your best self? I wanna hear it!

Lastly, thank you again for all your support and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Happy reading, and I hope you have an amazing day! (っ◔◡◔)っ

Laina scurried from one counter to the next, calling out finished orders, starting the next, and taking orders at the register. The entire morning had gone by in a haze, and the only way she could stop her stomach from churning and the ache in her feet and ankle, was by ignoring them and pushing onward.

"Alright, your total will be $6.52. Thank you." She took the bill from the woman at the counter who had smiled politely to her before stepping away without her change. Laina dropped the coins in the tip jar before hustling back to the espresso bar.

Sweat coated her back and dripped down her forehead making her feel even more clammy behind the steaming bar. Just another half hour, she chanted in her mind, only a half hour left and then she could take a break.

She counted down the minutes until her scheduled fifteen minute break and when the clock struck 9:30, she gave out the last made drink from the morning rush and fell against the counter. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and slid her apron off. She told Clyde she was taking her break and hustled to the bathroom. She relished the quiet, empty space around her and splashed water on her face to try to cool off.

Her hair was a wreck, her cheeks beat bright red, and she had a dried syrup splatter on her neck that made her fingers sticky when she touched it. Ugh... She ignored her turning stomach and wiped her neck and face down with a towel before stepping back into the main room. She meant to grab her book she had checked out for her project and settle in the supply closet again for the limited amount of quiet time she had left, but that changed when she looked up at the chime at the door and a blonde, tanned, and narrow-framed man stepped inside with eyes mirroring her own.

Her breath caught in her throat.

She didn't--couldn't say anything, but he noticed her immediately and stepped up to the counter across from her.

"Hey, um, Laina, right?" He asked, his eyes flickering back and forth between her and the countertop.

She stared at him, sure her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Finn--" Somehow she found her voice, but it sounded foreign to her ears. "What--what are you doing here?"

He tugged on his lip with his teeth. The nervous tick that was so familiar to her, making her clam up even more when he did it.

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