Chapter 17

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I boarded a first class plane. Throughout the flight I dozed with my headphones on. I arrived at my destination and head straight to the penthouse I'll be staying temporarily. It is gorgeous. The rooms are big enough and it has a beautiful veranda and a little pool.

I settled in and arranged my stuffs at the right place. I'll go to the supermarket after tomorrow's shoot, that's if I'm not too tired.
The next morning, I woke up and drove straight to the location for my shoot of the day.

"Yes, that's perfect Gina" the envoy for the fashion line said from behind the camera as the shots for the photo shoot were clicked. Though tired, I managed to pose on last time for the cameras. I always made sure to look flawless, I love what I do and I enjoy doing it

 I always made sure to look flawless, I love what I do and I enjoy doing it

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"And it's a wrap!" My agent said and everyone present clapped a little

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"And it's a wrap!" My agent said and everyone present clapped a little. I released a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"You did great as always" my agent praised me. I know it's a compliment because I'm good at what I do. I smiled lazily in response, happy that they were finally done with the shoot.

I stripped down from my outfit when I got back into my apartment and changed into a small two piece bikini. The weather was so hot, so I decided to swim.

After a few swims in my new apartment's pool, I stood at the edge of my balcony

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After a few swims in my new apartment's pool, I stood at the edge of my balcony. I leaned over the bar and admired the environment and the busy street underneath with not too many cars circulating.

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