Chapter 4

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The diner isn't as busy as I thought it was going to be and I thank God for that because I don't want a customer complaining about me taking the wrong orders. I couldn't stop thinking about my mother.
How's she feeling now? I hope she gets better, I know it's not sure but I just hope and pray she gets better. I can't imagine a life without her.

"Girl, what's got you so bummed out? My co-worker and only friend Sam had asked me. I was preparing to give my customer what they ordered. I pretended not to hear what he said and was about to leave when he blocked the way. He stood directly in my front with his hand on his waist as he awaited my answer.

"It's nothing really" I answered nonchalantly.

"Hey, bitch don't tell me it's nothing. You should think carefully before trying to lie to me because you know I can read you like a book even though I hate reading but whatever" he hissed "now tell me what's wrong before I force it out of you" he threatened.

"My mother is probably dying of cancer, she has less than 2months to live, and I have to sit here and pretend that everything is okay" I tell him. He reaches out and pull me closer to him. I looked over to his caramel complexion and jet black hair, broad chest. Sam was a handsome man.

"Awwwn, you don't have to worry too much. You know Ms Steph, she's probably one of the most strongest human on earth, she's going to fight the cancer. I'm always here if you ever need someone to talk to and you know I have a broad shoulder in case you also need a shoulder to cry on. Just kidding anyways, you don't have any reason to cry baby girl".

"I've heard you and I'll be strong for her but I don't even know how I am going to pay for everything" I whispered. He pulled away quickly pointing towards a table of men in suits.

"Okay, Baby doll, this is going to sound really crazy but we should switch tables. That hottie over there" he said before pointing towards a really handsome man, "his name is Giovanni Bianchi. His best friend and boss owns this huge underground club, it is called silver paw or something. I was on a date with this guy when I heard some girls gossiping about how a girl just bought herself a mansion just by working there".

"Wow, a mansion must have cost a lot of fortune. What could she be doing at a club to make that much money?" I asked.

"I heard it's a kind of pole dancing job, she's basically a stripper, I guess".

"What!!!" I exclaimed "you expect me to work as a stripper?" I asked mix of hurt and anger evident in my voice.

"No baby doll, I'm sorry okay. It's not as bad as you think. I have a friend that strips and if not for the fact that I'm a guy and those Italians might not like the idea of a male stripper, I would've been stripping my way into the Italian pockets as well." He chuckled.

I thought about it for a second before answering him "We can switch tables, but I'm not sure if I'm going to strip" I told him, grabbing the tray he had already prepared for them. He grabbed mine before heading over to my previous table.

Taking a deep breath. I walked over to the huge group of big men. They were all dressed in black suits and they all look mouth watering. The moment I made it to their front. I could feel all eyes on me. Sitting the food down on the table, I tried to pretend as if I didn't feel all of them looking at me.

"Is there anything else I could get you guys?" I asked, my voice hard and full of confidence. Finally one of them spoke.

"Georgina" he called out. I nodded my head while waiting patiently.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look?" A different voice asked.

"I've heard that times without number and I'm even tired of hearing it because it now sounds like saying good morning" I replied.

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