Chapter 30

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I woke up to a text message from Sandro.

Sandro: Bella, there's a dress bag in your closet, grab it and bring it out but do not open it yet. Text me back when you're done.

He hid a dress bag in my closet? Way to ruin a surprise, what if I had open it to change my cloth before his text came through?

I opened the closet finding the dress bag. I removed it from the hanger and lay it on the bed. I pick up my phone and sent him a text to let him know that I have found the dress bag and haven't opened it.....yet.

I immediately received another text from him

Sandro: Now check the drawer where I put my wristwatches, you'll see a small pink box, pick it and text me right after.

I did as told and sent him a text.

Sandro: Okay mi amor, now open it.

"Insert eye roll" why didn't he just include it in his first text? I take off the lid and my eyes fall on a small clit vibrator. I switch the small button on and it starts to buzz between my fingers. I burst into laughter.... Sandro is really a perve. I turn it off and place it on the bed next to the dress bag.

I shot him a text.

Gina: You're a perve Sandro, but I'm enjoying myself so far. So what's next?

Sandro: There's a black box on the left side of your closet, go check it out.

Gina: How did you hide things in this room without me noticing? Oh yeah, you're Alessandro Russo

Sandro: Yeah, the one and only. Now get back to what I asked you to do.

Gina: Ay Ay Captain.

I went to the closet and saw the black box neatly placed on one of the shelves in the closet. I grab it and open it up to see some very sexy lingerie.

I run my hand down over the lace and silk, as my mind starts to run off thinking about Sandro stripping me out of it. I bite my lips to suppress the moan threatening to escape at the thought. "I'm definitely not getting any sleep tonight" I giggled.

Gina: I've seen the box, what next?

Sandro: The dress Bella but before then open the door, there's a box there, take it inside with you.

I did as told, I opened the box to see a pair of shoes that I'm sure will fit perfectly with my dress.

Sandro: I guess you've seen the box. Now open the dress bag and get ready. You have 60 minutes to get ready. I can't wait to see you Bella.

I open the bag and it reveals the most beautiful dress I've laid my eyes on. My heart literally feels like it's about to burst out of my chest because of this man. Damn, I chose right.

I look at the clock and realize I have less than 50 minutes to shower and get dressed. I run off and start getting ready. I took a quick shower. I jump out of shower and straighten my hair and leave it flowing over my shoulders. I make a quick work of makeup keeping it minimal.

I walk out of the bedroom. I glance at the clock and realize I have only 20 minutes to get ready.

I strip off the towel and grab the clit vibrator, I made sure it sits comfortably. Followed by the lingerie, dress before finishing it off with the shoes.

I move over to the mirror to take in my full appearance. I run my hands down over my curves and double check everything making sure I look perfect. I give myself a smile cos damn, I look like a million bucks. I grab my clutch from the bedside table and was about to text Sandro when I receive a text from him.

Sandro: I know you're probably freaking out but believe me Bella, it's just one of our dates. Taj will come inside now to bring you where I am. I love you Bella.

I felt a little bit disappointed after reading the message. I thought he was going to propose or something. A knock on the door brought me out of my thought.

"Come in" I answered since I already know who it is.

"Damn you look hot" she gushed.

"Thank you. You don't look bad either" she's putting on a black gown and look absolutely beautiful in it.

"Why do you look so glum?" She asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine" I shrug trying to hide the fact that I'm disappointed but fail miserably.

"You know I can read you more than anyone, right?" She quizzed.

"It is Sandro, he bought me a dress, shoe and a vibrator. I thought he was going to propose but he said it is just one of our normal dates" I replied.

"Wait, he bought you a vibrator and you thought he was going to propose?" She laughed out loud.

"I don't know, it just feels different, I can feel it but I guess he's not ready yet. Marriage or no marriage, he's mine as much as I'm his".

"Yes babes, that's the spirit. Now let's get going before he sends someone to come drag our ass out" she joked.

We opened the door and a black limousine is already parked outside, we opened the door and entered. We drank couple glasses of champagne but made sure not to get drunk. We talked about so many things and for those of you wondering where my godson is, he's with his father who's with Sandro. So, I guess it's a double date.

The car starts to roll to a stop and I look out to see a lake, it's breathtaking. The colors of the impending sunset reflects across the lake just adding to the beauty.

The driver opens the door and Taj holds my hand.

"Now, follow me princess" she snickers.

"You know I'm no princess bitch" I sass.

"I know, I know" she said laughing.

We take a step towards the path leading down to the lake. We continue down the path and I look up to see the most handsome man to ever walk the face of the earth.

Taj let go of my hand and I walk cautiously towards my man. He's dressed in a suit looking handsome as hell.

"Fuck Bella, you look breathtakingly beautiful" he states.

"You don't look bad either" I stand in front of him and he reaches for my hands, bringing them up to his lips. I feel a small tear fall down my cheeks at this simple but loving action. He's definitely asking me to be his wife, there's no two way to this. Taj knew, damn she knew. i look over to where she's standing with her beautiful family and she gives me a smile and mouthed "I love you" which I replied to with a "you're my forlifer".

"Don't ruin your makeup Bella" he says, thumbing away the tear before rubbing it along my bottom lip.

"Bella, I'm not perfect. Scratch that, I'm anything but perfect but yet you make me feel like the most perfect man in the world. The first day I saw you, I knew I was fucked, you had me wrapped around your fingers even before you became mine. My whole world came crumbling down when I lost you. I was lost, broken and dead inside. The moment I got you back, I promised never to let you out of my life again. You're my reasons, my Athena, my girlfriend" he went down on one knee and continue "and I would love if you will spend the rest of your life with me as my wife, by my side as my queen and the mother of my children. So Georgina Miles, will you marry me?"

"Yes, I will. I love you so much Sandro. Yes, I'll be your wife". I sobbed. He slide the ring down onto my finger.

He gets up and wrap his arms around my waist pulling me in for the most passionate kiss of my life.

"Fuck..... you said yes" he says

"Of course, I was going to say yes"

"It's us against the world Bella, I love you"

"Yes, it is and I love you too Sandro".

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