Chapter 22

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    Stephen has been acting really weird lately and I could feel he's keeping something from me. I've tried getting it out of him with all of my tactics but he just won't fold, maybe it has nothing to do with me. I still haven't heard from Sandro but I guess he left this country since he said he was here for a business. I have to admit a small part of me miss him, maybe not small.

I was short on groceries, so I decided to do grocery shopping since I wasn't doing anything, I changed into a simple top and a leggings and head for the grocery store. I arrived at the grocery store, parked and hopped out of my car.

I got all I needed and paid, I was heading out of the store when I bumped into a lady

"I'm sorry" I apologized politely

She looked shocked and stared at me for a while before responding

"It's fine" she muttered

There was something odd with the way she stared at me but what's not odd these days? Almost everything and everyone is odd. I just brushed it off and walked past her.

I walked out of the store, head to my car and drove home.

I unlocked the door and head to the kitchen to drop the groceries but I could sense something seemed off, like there's someone else here apart from me. I picked a knife and started walking silently up to my room, I opened the door but there was no one there, the room was exactly the way I left it. I checked other places but saw nothing. I still couldn't shake off the uneasiness I was feeling.

I sat down and was flipping through a magazine when my phone started ringing, it's an unknown number. I answered the phone

"Hello" i said

"Mi tesoro" he breathed

My heart skipped a beat, it was Sandro.

"Sandro?" I questioned even though I already know who it was

"The one and only" he boasted

"Yeah, yeah" I chuckled but then I remembered what happened the last time I saw him

"You said you were gonna come back" I accused. I actually wasn't expecting him to come back, a part of me was glad he hasn't because I don't know what to tell him but another part of me wasn't.

"I did" he stated

"You what?" I quizzed

"I came back" he repeated

"When?" I asked

"When I finished with the business I came for" he replied

"Sandro can you please stop answering me like that. When did you come and why didn't I see you when you came?" I yelled. I was already feeling frustrated

"Calm down" he sighed

"Okay, can you please tell me when you came?" I asked more calmly.

I don't know why I'm feeling frustrated, maybe it's the fact that a bigger part of me miss him so much even though I don't wanna admit it. You just did

"I came but you were with him" he seethed

I was with Stephen when he came and that was the reason why he left. It was all my fault.

"Okay" I whispered

"Just okay?" He asked

"Yeah, just okay" I stated

"I just told you I came back to your apartment just to see you with that bastard and that's all you'll say?" He growled

I could sense he was already angry and I don't want to add to his anger, so I tried to calm him down

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