04 | double edged sword

Start from the beginning

"Shut up! Okay? Jesus." The words came splaying out of my mouth as I glared at him in a strong irritation. I could have sworn I'd got changed already. Fiercely snatching the bag from his hand, I stalked into the bathroom and got changed.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself down before following Gabriel out of the apartment. "I'll drive us there."

I could have sworn that Gabriel momentarily paused in his step as if something had sharply impaled his mind. "No, you won't," he said quietly.

I rolled my eyes, irritation still pumping through me. "Fine, we'll take your car."

The only thing on my mind right name was the strong urge for a line. Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I strutted towards the door and turned off the lights. "I've been drinking," I heard him say sternly. He was still frozen on the spot.

"For God's wake, hurry up Gabriel. It's fine, we're not gonna get stopped. It's not even that far away."

Within seconds, he'd somehow ended up mere inches away from me. A strong scowl full of disgust was plastered on his face as he looked at me as if I was the most inferior person in the world.

A flutter grew in my stomach as I gazed at his metallic eyes, glinting with so many hidden stories.

"Are you fucking dumb?" He hissed resting a hand on the wall behind me. "Or just delusional?"

I raised an eyebrow, smirking in victory.

Yes dammit. Keep talking to me, lyubimyy.

In a split second, he completely shut down as if an iron shield had just fallen all around him. Gabriel's face dropped as he quickly stepped away from me as if momentarily stunned that he'd reacted so strongly. "We're talking the tube, let's go."

He walked out of the door, all trace of precious emotion long gone. It was almost as if he was bored. Jaw strong. Face robotic. Standing tall.

I didn't know if it was the fact that it had been a rough day or the fact that I'd been using the stuff Yohan had given me last week a little too much but I couldn't help feeling as if it was taking years to get to the damn place.

Just down the street and left Talisa. Not far now.

After Monday's news, I'd gone through a lot more a lot faster than I'd expected. By that, I meant I'd used up my emergency supply.

I heard Gabriel curse next to me as he looked at his phone. "What is it?"

He didn't reply at first but finally, let out a word when I nudged him. Not before glaring at me for merely touching him without his permission.


I huffed out a stream of air that melted into the crisp spring evening air. "What does that bitch want? Acting all angelic again I suppose."

At least I was frank about myself. She did the deeds of a demon and had begun putting on the front of a God. What irked me the most was how everyone else seemed to just accept that Lexi was suddenly a moral person.


I kicked at a stone on the floor, wishing that it was her dignity. Of course, she didn't have any dignity, just false pretences.

I didn't expect Gabriel to reply.

I never did.

Surprisingly, he answered me this time around.

"Said she wanted to check in with me after what happened at lunch today."

"The whore probably doesn't want you to beat the hell out of Timothee again," I spat, pulling my beanie tighter around my head. "She's probably friends with benefits with him too. Wouldn't be surprised. That's all you can expect from people like her."

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