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"Eden, fast love."

Today is my birthday. Yeah, no special shit, just a random party. Eden is growing up so fast, and with that more beautiful. Shes 17 now. I just dont want relationship shit yet, I've told her already. And I dont have to worry, I guess. My daughter, Eden Aria Tomlinson, is a bloody nerd! Haha. That's literally one unlike thing from me. Rest, she is a bit of a replica of me in behavior, as what zayn pointed out. They really say you turn into the person you look upto. Does she looks upto me? Then it's my responsibility to come off as the best father in the whole wide world.

And yes, we pulled it off together. Zayn and harry were the only two support in this. Liam and Niall has always been a bitch, and I couldn't care less. Though publically they've been the wonderful uncles, but not in real life. I did publically announced that I adopted her. And thinking of all the things, the comments on this were 50-50, like always.

It was basically zayn and harry that really cared for her. Niall, really dont like kids, and to see one with us, was annoying and frustrating for him. Liam, on the other hand, was okay with her living with us, but didnt accept the fact that I adopted her. I'm still young for these shits, that's what he would say. Anyways.

There have been a lot of times, when niall would say many rude things to her. She'd cry for hours, until I'd rock her back and forth to calm her down, and finally make her sleep. The relations in the band were getting really bad, and that was lack of coordination and communication. I would never blame Eden for that. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was Niall and Liam being fucktards. Even zayn felt distress and left. I was all alone with my Eden. Harry was a help, but I don't want his help with anything. I'd rather take care of my daughter by myself.

"Almost done, dad. Wait a damn minute!" A smile automatically comes on my face whenever she calls me dad. It feels so nice. She started this as my birthday present when I turned 22. I swear I cried like a little child, that day. And now, I'm 24. This doesn't need celebration at all. I mean, I'm just getting old, why to celebrate. Who the fuck came up with this concept!

But luckily enough, we are all going into this hiatus. And this is the time when me and my daughter will live peacefully, away from the daily drama, and suffering. Because for sure enough, I dont want to punch Niall again if he makes my daughter cry.

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