Chapter 3: A Camellia's Wish

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[A/N: I'm backkk!!!

 I'm sorry if the time skips are slightly confusing for you people. This story just happens to be like that, with a lot of flashbacks and time jumps.

Also, 'Who is coming, Uninvited' is one heck of a song! Look up its english translation and boy, doesn't it hit hard? I have the acapella version here because I love it too much.]

This time on Black&White:

What did he think of, as he left the Sloth pair? What were his thoughts as he told his subclass to live a life without him?

Why did the Servamp of Melancholy choose to run away? Was he really quitting, or did he have some reason for doing so? Tsubaki...

You'll be surprised.

~One month ago~

I leapt from one roof to another with befitting grace and speed, striving to put as much distance between myself and the Black Lion and his Eve as possible. My subclasses were still scattered out there, but I trusted them to be able to protect themselves from any future harm and maybe even be able to lead normal lives, now that I was gone from their lives.

I wonder what Sensei would say if he saw me right now. The thought made me stop in my tracks. Tsubaki. The Servamp of Melancholy. The only weapon capable of killing the Servamps - Running away.

How anticlimactic.

I turned back and admired the amount of chaos I had been able to plunge the city in. The Tokyo World Tree Hotel (What a stupid name?!) was a complete wreck. It looked somewhat like how our Minka had looked after the Black Lion attacked... no, our Minka was literally torn apart - down to the last piece of wood. 

[A/N: 'Minka' is the name for traditional Japanese houses.]

I looked at that crumbling hotel. Though nothing remained of the building's former pathetic glory, at least it was not crushed into the ground. Where's the fun in that? 

The roof was in shambles. Yet, those humans were still streaming out of its half-broken doors - rescuing and being rescued as if their miserable lives mattered.

Now what will happen? Those irritating people from media will swarm over and try to make a fuss out of it, then C3 will cover it up with some ridiculous lies like localised earthquakes or bad construction work. What an impaired sense of imagination! I smirked. In the end, the blame will be pinned on some clueless third party, a compromise will be reached and everything will be forgotten the next day. Those self-centered dimwits will just go about their all-important daily routine, never getting to know that one of the most epic battles of all time had been just fought here this day. 

Not interesting at all.

Well, it's not as if I'm running away from a fight. That would be uninteresting and completely out of character for me. After all, I'm just one pawn in Sensei's grand schemes. Or was.

I looked up towards the sky. No Sensei, I'm not running away. I may have lost this fight, but the war awaits. But before that, I need to know something.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" A sudden laugh erupted from my throat as I remembered the time when that pesky human unlocked my memories with that key of his. Mahiru Shirota, right? What an interesting person.

When we first met, I saw that he was another of those determined people devoted to something. Hah, I have seen these kinds getting all types of harsh treatment and mockery from the world. They always lose someone they love the most because they were too stubborn to think that the world's all fair and just.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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