Chapter 1: What a pain...

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My brother deleted the first draft of this chapter. Ya, I get it that it was by mistake or something... but now, whenever he comes within a meter of my laptop, this happens.

 but now, whenever he comes within a meter of my laptop, this happens

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Just kidding.

This time on Black&White:

All things start with squabbles in the Servamps' world. So, in keeping with the ageless tradition, the sloth pair begin to quarrel while on a mission. Well, it's mostly one-sided, with Mahiru shouting at his pet cat and Kuro mumbling about soft pillows. But hey, what else can you expect? At least they are not kicking each other across the streets like a certain violently weird pair...

*Present time*

Evening light quietly crept into the foggy, deserted part of the city. It was more close to night actually - but still, a ghostly, whitish light clung to the streets - streets themselves quite invisible amid the heavy fog blanketing the road. The fog was strange - wet and creamish - clinging and clawing at every bit of the deserted streets, pulling at each lone and hurrying passerby, as if it didn't want them to leave. Every now and then narrow alleys and by-lanes snaked away from the main road and disappeared to God knew where. 

There were no people on the streets, which wasn't exactly surprising in this part of the city. What was surprising, however, was the visible silhouette of two figures walking in the haze - or rather, one was walking; the other was being dragged along.

A grunt sliced through the thick fog.

 "Would you stand UP?" The owner of the voice asked the non-responding 'teen' he had been dragging along the road till then. 

Tired-looking red eyes looked up to his own brown ones, letting loose a drawn-out yawn. Mahiru huffed when he saw his prisoner's expression and dumped him on the road unceremoniously, but kept a tight hold on his jacket in case he tried to run.

"Why are you acting like this?" Though it was true that his Servamp wasn't the most active of the lot – what else do you expect from the Servamp of Sloth? – he certainly was acting too lazy for his Eve's liking. It was almost as if he was reluctant to come.

The other just rubbed the back of his head absentmindedly, but didn't move from the place where Mahiru had dropped him.

"Can't deal."

"With what?"

"...We have been walking for sooo long..."

"NO." Mahiru half-shouted at his stubborn companion, "I walked. You sat on my shoulder for the first part and now are being shamelessly dragged around just because you won't move on your own, you lazy cat!"

The other merely shrugged, "Meh, walking's a pain..."

"No, you are!" The other's replies were slowly getting on his last nerves.

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