#15- Clingy Baby -DDM

Start from the beginning

" I put her down but she started whining and wanted me to hold her so I brought her to our room cuddled her until she was fully asleep and I thank god got to sneak out.

I saw my mother holding London until she asked me to grab her because she was going to the bathroom so I took her and she opened her eyes " I'm glad she had my blue eyes " I said kissing her little cheek. " yup both y/n and London have your eyes but have my beautiful looks" my wife said flipping her back.

" can't argue with that " I told her laughing

Alittle while later we were all eating lunch until London starting crying and wouldn't stop so I tried picking her up and cradling her but nothing was working then I saw my mom look to the side of me and when I turned around y/n was standing behind me with tears going down her face I wanted to hold her so bad but I had London so I signaled my wife to come pick her up and she did

Kenzie Pov: (idk 😂)(wife)

I went to pick up y/n and brought her alittle farther from the kitchen because she doesn't really like people watching her cry

" y/n honey what's wrong " I asked wiping her tears

" I want daddy " she said sniffling and playing with my hair

" someone's being clingy today " I said as she just kept sniffling

I walk back to the kitchen to see Niall passing London to Bobby to see if he could get her to stop crying

Then Niall mouthed
" what's wrong "
I mouthed back
" she wants her daddy "

Niall then took her from me and she immediately clung to him

Niall Pov:

Kenz gave me y/n and she held onto me like if her life depended on it. I sat down and had her on my lap and gave her little bits of my food

" Niall is sharing his food " my mother said with a fake shocked face

" only with my princess " I said kissing y/n's cheek making her smile

" Niall doesnt even share with me its only y/n " Kenzie said while taking London from my father

" I'll be right back guys ima going to see if she needs a changing or feeding " Kenzie said while taking London upstairs

" alright well we should get going it's getting late we hate to drive in the dark " Maura said getting up

" yup I know dad can't see that well either " I told my dad as we all laughed

They shouted upstairs to y/n telling her goodbye and they left

I went to wash dishes but y/n wanted to be carried

" I can't right now baby just wait a second when I finish washing dishes we can cuddle and watch a movie " I tried convincing her but she wasn't happy

She starting opening and closing the drawers in the kitchen I asked her nicely to stop but then she staring bumping into me on purpose " Y/n stop and go sit in the couch" she then hit my leg " no I want you to hold me " she said now hitting and pulling on my shirt and kicking my legs

" listen you do not hit daddy alright go sit in the corner of the living room NOW " I starting getting a tiny bit louder by each word

" but daddy I want you to hold me please " she said holding onto my torso

" no y/n get in the corner now of the living room now " I said as she stomped away sitting in the corner

I finished washing dishes and Kenzie came over to me hugging me and we just leaned against the kitchen island ( a built in to the ground table in the middle of the kitchen) " what did she do " she said making little circles on my back

" she's been clingy all day and she wanted me to hold her and I told her wait but that wasn't the answer she was looking for then started hitting and kicking me "

"Oh, maybe she wanted attention probably thinking when your parents were over she wasn't going to get attention" she said looking up at me

" probably " I said kissing her forehead bring her to the living room

" alright little miss turn around " I said making y/n turn and face me, I squat down to her level

" why are you time out " I asked as she started getting tears in her eyes

" y/n y/m/n Horan no tears "

She wiped her eyes " because I hit daddy " she said sitting up straight

" are you going to do it again "

She shook her head and I was feeling so bad because Kenzie is always putting her in time out I never had the heart to so I quickly picked her up cuddling her so tight kissing her head as we sat on the couch

" y/n you were clingy all day "
" how come " I asked she shrugged her shoulders " did you get scared nobody would pay attention to you " she nodded and Kenzie felt so bad she came over and joined the group cuddle

" you know we love you very much and just because there's a new baby in the house doesnt mean we won't listen or pay attention to you alright, and if you aren't getting enough attention I want you to tell me or daddy alright " Kenzie told her as she just nodded.

" I love you mommy and daddy " she said smiling looking at both of us

" we love you to baby " we said in sync

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMWhere stories live. Discover now