IX. #Little Lies & Secrets

Start from the beginning

Olivia leaned her back against the wall of the entrance of the Students’ Centre Building, waiting for Steph who was still under the church canopy behind the building most likely chatting with someone. After the church service, while Olivia was very eager to leave, Steph, on the other hand, was very eager to stay, saying she had to meet someone for a moment. That was twenty minutes ago.

Olivia was thinking of leaving her behind and decided to allow her ten more minutes, after which she was deserting her.

“I had hoped you were going to show for the evangelism yesterday.”

“Remember I told you I had a previous engagement; I honestly couldn’t cancel it.” Steph nodded, and Max gave a small smile while gazing directly at her eyes. “Why? Did you miss me?”

“I think Minister Evans missed you a lot more than I did.” Steph said, referring to the Minister who had invited them to the evangelism, while also swiftly swerving the question, and his intense gaze.

So that means you missed me too.” He folded his arms, his smile growing wider. Guess she didn’t really swerve.

“Maybe, just a little.” She illustrated it by holding her thumb and index finger together with a little space in-between.

“I guess that’s better than nothing, I’ll take it.”

Steph tried her best to stifle a giggle. “But seriously, you missed a lot. The evangelism was really fun. We visited a number of people, Minister Evans bought drinks for all of us and we even had a Ga kenkey party after the evangelism.” (Ga kenkey is a traditional Ghanaian dish made from fermented white corn and wrapped in dried corn husks, usually served with soup, stew or pepper sauce and fried fish.)

“You really want to make me feel bad for not making it, eh?”

“Oh no, I’m just saying, so that the next time you’ll come.”

“Right. Don’t you think that this is a strategy they’re using to make you guys show up for the evangelism? At some point in time, this is going to stop, trust me.”

“Oh I know, but till that time comes and even after, I’m still going to be attending these evangelisms. And you should too. There’s a lot you can learn, as well as you will also be leading people to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus.”

“Wow. I’ve just closed from service and yet I’m having another sermon being preached to me right now.” Max joked.

“Oh, please. I’m just saying.”

“Right. So, I’ll be seeing you again this week, right? Church meeting?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well, I was thinking,” He scratched his small moustache. “how about we meet up this week, but not –” He was cut off by a loud vibration from Steph’s purse.

“Oh sorry.” She excused herself, and reached into her purse for her phone, answering it. “Hello… I’m still here…What? You’re leaving? … Now?... Fine, fine. I’m on my way…I said, I’m coming. Just give me a second, I’ll be there… Thanks.” She ended the call and looked at him with an apologetic smile. “I have to leave. My roommate’s on my neck.”

“Oh.” Was all he could say.

“I’ll see you later, at this week’s meeting, okay?” She said softly and left, but not before giving him a wink, unintentionally of course.

He looked on, with a bit of disappointment, as she walked away, through the thinning crowd, out of his sight.

“What took you so long?” Olivia asked, as Steph joined her and they walked away from the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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