chapter 14

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Jugheads Pov
"jughead, do it for me?" i froze dead in my tracks. that angelic voice made me want to stay more than anything but i can't risk hurting them, i can't loose her.

"Jughead" i was still frozen until i felt a hand on my shoulder. "Jughead" everything went black, something was shaking me. "Jughead!" i couldn't open my eyes i was slowly drifting into a dark void. "JUGHEAD!!!" i sat up my eyes were wide. 'was i dreaming?' .

"Oh my god you scared me man you started shaking i thought you were having a fucking seizure" i looked over to see 'sweetpea?what? what the fuck is going on?'

"where am i?"

"what do you mean dude. you haven't been anywhere but here" he chuckled. 'i must've been dreaming but when did i sleeppppp'

"no Archie i'm done! i gave you so many chances and you go and fucking kiss her!!!" Veronica yelled walking down the stairs with Archie running behind her.

"I told you Veronica i didn't mean to kiss her!"

"oh so you just magically started making out with her cause that happens to everyone!!! i thought i could trust you! i guess not your just like every other douche in this town a cheater who gets with everyone!" what the fuck did i miss.

"well i'm sorry!"

"i'm not going to forgive you that easily Archie Andrews. in fact i'm breaking up with you" she gave Archie a stone cold glare with no emotion at all. bitch i fall asleep once and about 5 million things happened at once.


"you heard me Archie" she walked closer to him. "i'm" one step "breaking" another step "up" another step "with" another "you" she poked him in the chest.

what the fuck

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