chapter 4

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Veronica's POV
i walked out the back door so no one would see me. 'god this is a horror movie' i thought 'i'm going to fucking die'. i jumped over the fence into the front yard. holy shit there's crashed cars and dead bodies everywhere 'i'm going to be sick' i walked along the road being the dumb ass i am in plain sight i thought that i wouldn't make it to the supermarket but i did. Archie gave me his bat for protection in case something bad happens.
"Veronica did you make it" wow that scared me.
"yes Jughead i did what do you guys need?"
"any food that will last us for now"
"ok" i ran towards the non fridge section and grabbed pancakes,chips,candy and other stuff. "that should me good enough" i put all the food in my backpack and ran towards the door.
what was that? i turned around and saw...
"Sweet pea and Fangs"
"Veronica!" they ran to me and hugged me.
"omg guys i didn't know if you made it or not"
"well Sweet pea helped his knife and gun"
"good job"
"Veronica did you get the food?" i jumped that walkie-talkie always scares me.
"yes and some people"
"what do you mean?"
"what i mean Jughead is that some of our friends are still alive"
"ok quick head home"
"ok see you there"
i signaled them so that they can come back with me.
"is that gun shots?"
"quick run!" we ran as fast as we could.
i turned around.
"omg fangs!"
fangs got shot.
"sweet pea help!" i yelled.
sweet pea picked him up and ran.
"jughead jughead!"
"fangs got shot we're coming home right now!"

at the house
"B let us in!"
"V oh my god your alive"
"there's other people to worry about!"
Archie ran up to me and hugged me tight while Betty fixed fangs.

later that day (don't even ask me how fangs is still alive)
"now that was a long day"i sighed sitting down on the couch next to Jughead and Archie.

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