chapter 13

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Veronica's POV (you really think i'm going to tell you what happens that easily nope)
Jughead and i heard a very LOUD gun shot so you know we did what everyone in a horror film would do, run away aka going to the house. i mean at least i'm not like mrs grundy wE hEaRd fIrEwOrkS.

we got back to the house and saw Kevin hugging Betty aswell as Archie too and her crying.

"b what ha-" i walked over and what i saw shook my stomach in circles.

Jugheads POV
"b what ha-" i saw Veronica collapse onto her knees holding her stomach like she felt sick.

"what's wro-"
i saw sweetpea lying on the ground blood dripping everywhere.

"oh my god" i tear rolled down my face. "fucking hell!" i punched the wall frightening fangs.

"bud calm down" fangs said.

"he died HE DIED ALONE WILLING TO PROTECT US!!!" i yelled.

"he died because HE FUCKING CHOSE TOO WE ALL SAW IT COMING!!!" fangs yelled back at me.

"fuck off fangs!" i pushed him making him fall to the ground. i started walking away.

"jughead! come back!" i kept walking.

"jughead! do it for me!" i froze.

heh i feel so evil right now.

208 words

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