Giving Up - Chapter 11 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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"I have to say something..." 

"What is it?" Jane urged him. He let go of her and stood in the middle of the circle. "Sterling, Ally, and all the angels present here right now, I love you guys. You don't know how guilty I feel. I've let you all down so bad, and I hardly think you'll ever trust me again. A-and I don't even know if I will trust myself again either!
I am gifted. But I used my gift, not for the good of others, but I used it wrongly. I turned bad. My heart turned black. I was over-whelmed with the idea of so much power, that I forgot who I was: A Guardian Angel. Even though I promise you this will never happen again, I am so filled with guilt." He turned to Jane. "I don't know how I'll ever make this up to you, Jane, but all I want right now, is for my powers to be taken away from me."

"What?!" Everyone shouted at once.

"It may sound crazy," He continued. "But I can't risk this happening again, I don't deserve this. And I'm giving up. I wanna be a normal human, so I can be better. I'm sure, at least, I'll be a better human. So please, Alexandra, take my powers away. I don't want theM, and I don't need them. All that I neEd right now, is you, Jane." He said.

"Kendall!" She whispered, tearing up once again and hugging him tightly.

Jane knew, that he had meant what he had said. She knew she could trust him. She knew he wouldn't let her down again. She knew he was moving along the right path now.

"Jane," He said pulling away. "I promise I won't let you down again. Just give me another chance, please. Will you be my girlfriend again?" He smiled slyly at her.

She smiled back and got on her toes to peck his lips. Then Kendall turned to the head angel.

She smiled proudly at him and waved her fingers in a circular motion. As she did so, Kendall felt a warm tingly sensation somewhere on his back.

He looked behind- no wings! 

He smiled, and hugged his girlfriend, and without a backwards glance, they made their way out.

Jane took his hand in hers and intertwined their fingers, and held her wand in her other hand. "Whatcha doin'?" He asked.

"Apparating back home. Brace yourself, it's gonna be bumpy." She told him.

With that, she smiled at him, and apparated back home, with him by her side, and to a better life, together...

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