Dead - Chapter 9

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In the last chapter:

Silhoueted against the moon, a pair of grey wings protruding out of his back. It was Kendall. 

He landed in front of the crackling fire, he looked around and ran forwards to help Sterling.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He shouted as he ducked a punch.

"I'm helping blondie! Can't you see?!" He shouted back, punching a dark haired angel.

Over on the other side, Jane could see everything. Not only she had been hopeful on Kendall's arrival, she also became worried, for Gorog was advancing on Kendall from behind, his evil eyes glinting, he was raising a hand. A claw-like hand that looked as though it could shoot fire or something out of it.

As she saw the scene unfolding before her eyes, her heart dropped. "KENDALL! BEHIND YOU!" She yelled as she kicked the shins of the villain holding her.

He yelped in pain and released her. Jane ran over to Alina, who supported a cut finger. On the other side, Kendall turned just in time and moved out of the way. Gorog tripped, and before anyone could do anything, he was stubling over the banisters, and the next thing anyone knew, he was falling, falling, falling, and he was gone: Out of sight. Dead. 

"Nooo...!!" Cried the black clothed figures around them. Amazing how three people defeated twenty. But the look of shock on their faces was more than satisfactory. The four winged people/angel/wizards looked at each other. Alina had wrapped her bleeding finger in a napkin, Sterling had a bruise under his eye, Kendall seemed to be the only one unharmed. Jane had marks on both of her wrists.

Sterling took the Compass from Ally, set it aside and hugged her tightly.

Kendall- his wings now a brilliant shade of blinding white, stared awkwardly at Jane, who was twiddling her thumbs together.

No one said anything, but Sterling grabbed the Moral Compass and took off. The rest followed suit . Above the high towers, away from the city lights. Throught the clouds and across the city. They landed on the floor outside Angel Foods Ltd. 

Sterling pushed open the conceiled door, and, once again, out came the white fog and the bright lights, and an air, that seemed to strengthen them.

Gorog was Dead.

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