Something's Changed - Chapter 5

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Sterling, Ally and Jane apparated back to the apartment. As soon as they hit the ground, they began to plan. Where was the Dark Round? Why would an angel go bad? Who was the angel? Why wasn't anyone guarding the compass at night? Was it one of the guards? Who?

All these questions buzzed in Jane's in mind, causing her to feel unsafe. She wished Kendall was there. Even though she hadn't known him long, she knew she could trust him to be a source of comfort when she needed it. And now was it.

"So when do we leave?" Sterling asked.

"I- I don't know, Ster. We don't know where the Dark Round is, and maybe we should wait for Kendall, because maybe he knows. And I think we should plan a bit, shouldn't we? I mean, we don't know where to start, we can't just walk around NYC and ask people if they know where the Dark Round is." Jane said very quickly.

"Jane, you're right." Sterling told her. "But we need to move swiftly, because if the Dark Cloud spreads, no one will be able to stop Gorog." Sterling said seriously.

There was a knock on the door, making the three jump.

Jane went to open it. "Kendall!" She whispered, hugging him.

"Hey Jane." He said hugging her back.

"Come on in." She said, letting go of him.

"Kendall, we need your help." Sterling said urgently.

"Doing what?" He asked lazily.

"The Moral Compass is stolen and we have to get it back. Do you know where the Dark Round is?" He asked.

Kendall looked slightly shocked, but recovered quickly and pulled Jane in a tight side-hug. "Jane and I, are going out for a while. We'll think things through, and we'll work tonight. Lets go." He added to Jane and took her outside, leaving the other two staring in their wake.

"Kendall, where are we going?" Jane asked after they had walked several blocks away. "We're just walking." He replied and kissed her cheek. She blushed.

Kendall looked down at her. She had a worried look on her face. "Okay, stop." He sighed, and grabbed hold of her shoulders, making her stop dead in her tracks. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Look, baby," Baby? Aww. "I know you're worried. But that's not gonna help. You can't help what's happening, and the best you can do right now, is just have fun as long as you can."

"But Kendall -" She began but he interrupted her, by kissing her. Which surprised Jane as much as it surprised him. Oh what the hell. She thought and kissed him back. Her hand left his and travelled up to the back of his neck as he put both of his on her waist and pulled her closer to him. Ignoring the 'Aws', they pulled away after a few minutes and panted for much-needed breath.

Kendall rested his forehead on hers and took her face in his hands and closed his eyes. "Let's go do something fun." He whispered. Jane smiled and pulled him along to her favourite coffee shop.


"WHERE WERE YOU?!" Alina shouted as Jane and Kendall entered the apartment.

"We walked around the park and got some cofee. Chillax." Jane told her, leaning heavily on Kendall's arm, almost half asleep. She looked drunk, but she wasn't. She was being tampered with.


"Alina, we were snogging in public. Happy?" Kendall said as he smirked at Jane. "Shut up!" She whispered, poking his back.

"What? Your friend wants to know, so I'm telling her."

"In public? In public?! Are you mad?!" Alina freaked, thunderstruck.

"Well, not exactly in public, Ally." Jane said."We were under a nice big, shady tree in the park." Then she turned to Kendall. "By the way, less sugar next time."

Kendall smiled as he pecked her lips once again. "You got it, baby."

"Ugh. Jane this is so not you." Ally pointed out, revolted.

"What? Of course its me." She said leaving Kendall's side.

"No, its not. You don't do that kind of stuff in public." Ally pointed out.

"Well, now I do, because Big Man here," she indicated Kendall. "Is too good to me." she said and swayed on the spot. Kendall caught her, just in time as she giggled. "You've got me in a trance." She sighed dreamily.

"Can you put her in bed?" Ally asked. "Sure." He said and carried her to her room and layed her down. "Good night, Kenny." She whispered. "Good night, Jane." He whispered back and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks Kendall." Ally said from the door in a very 'You-Can-Go-Now' tone.

"Kay, see y'all later." He said and left without another word.

As Alina climbed into bed herself, worry took over, questions buzzed around.

Where is the Dark Round? Will they find it? Will the be able to get the Compass back? Why is Jane acting so strange all of a sudden? Did Kendall do something to her? Will she be alright?

Clearly something's changed...and it's not for good.

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