Chapter 21

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After getting over her panic attack, Lucy decided to pay Mirajane a visit to discuss how things were going so far.

"I'm a little concerned about you Lucy." Mirajane said as they were sitting by the hearth and drinking tea.


"Well yes. I heard from Levy that you had suddenly fainted one morning. Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine I assure you. It was just a dizzy spell."

"I spoke with Natsu about it and he was very worried about you."

"Was he now?"



"I know Natsu may seem like an irresponsible and perverted god who likes to take advantage of others but that's not entirely true."

"You mean he's not irresponsible and perverted?" Lucy said in disbelief.

"No he is but he has a kind heart just like his mother. You know he's done everything he can to help Levy find her sister Juvia."

"How nice. I will admit he does have his good parts."

"By the way I've been meaning to ask what was Natsu doing at your temple so early in the morning anyway?"

"It's not what you think!" Lucy said getting nervous. "I still have my virtue I swear! Nothing happened! Nothing!"

"Lucy calm yourself, that's not what I meant."


"Of course. I didn't think anything... Ungodly happened between you two. I only asked out of harmless curiosity."

"Sorry. It's just that I...You know how much I worry for my reputation. Anyway it was just another talk about finding him a wife again. That's all."

"Is that so?" Mirajane said not sure that Lucy was telling the truth.


"And how's that going?"

"Not well. He's completely against commitment."

"Seems to me he might have changed his mind on that subject."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. He just seems so much more different now."


"Well I never believe gossip but according to the nymphs he isn't as perverted as he usually is. You know it's been weeks since he's had an affair or peeped on anyone. I wonder what changed him."

"Gee I wonder." Lucy said moving to drink the herbal tea Mirajane had prepared for her.

"Now they're saying he's in love."

Lucy almost choked on her tea.

"In love? Him?"

"That's what the nymphs say but you have to be careful when listening to them. You never know if what they say is a hundred percent accurate." The goddess of hearth giggled.

"Who do they think he's in love with?"

"They don't know. But if some woman actually managed to sway the heart of the future king of the gods she must be something amazing."

"Do you know if anybody could figure out who he's fallen for? If it's true? For example do you know who he would tell?"

"I've known Natsu for a very long time. Him and his brothers so I guess I could tell you some things."

She thought for a moment.

"The person he trusts most is his mother but he
wouldn't tell her about this because she would just pressure him into getting married as soon as possible. When it comes to secrets regarding relationships and love he'd tell his brothers but they won't talk. Those three have been eternally loyal to each other ever since Natsu freed them from Zeref. But..." She said thinking. "He would tell his two main servants Sting and Rogue. If you tried hard enough you could get one of them to spill something. Between the two of them Sting is the weaker link. But why do you want to know this?"

"You know that Mavis wanted me to find a wife for Natsu. If he really is in love and I can find out who she is then maybe I can bring them together."

"But are you sure this is the way to go about it? Couldn't you just talk to him?"

"Do you really think he'd tell me if I asked?"

"No I suppose not. But don't be too invasive and remember to be careful."


"Gods don't like having their secrets exposed and Natsu is no exception. If you go too far you could get him very angry."

"I'll take my chances. He's not exactly the God of death, doom, and despair like Gray."

"Lucy he may not look it but Natsu can be the most powerful being the world has ever known. Most people make the mistake of thinking Gray is the most the dangerous of the three because he inherited Zeref's dark nature but Natsu's has Zeref's temper and it is like a fire just waiting to be lit. Gray on the other hand is more even tempered like Mavis. In fact you could say between the two of them Gray takes more after their mother while Natsu takes more after their father."

"You're not serious?"

"Natsu is more dangerous than anything you could ever imagine. He took down his own father who was the tyrannical titan that enslaved the earth. A person that no one believed could be defeated and he did it when he was just a boy. Sonya knows what he could he do now that he's a man."

"So you're saying I should be afraid of him?"

"I'm saying that you should tread lightly. I know what I'm talking about Lucy. I've seen what Natsu is capable of. I was there when he and his brothers locked Zeref away. Believe me you don't want to get him angry."

Mirajane was being very serious when she told Lucy this and this was the first time she had actually seen Mirajane look and speak so seriously. She wasn't joking. She truly believed that Natsu could be just as dangerous and powerful as Zeref. More so even. Was Natsu really someone she should approach with caution? This carefree god who liked to goof off, party, and chase women was a threat? From what she had seen it seemed that such an idea was completely impossible. But then again looks can be deceiving as they say.

"Alright I'll be careful." Lucy assured Mirajane.

"Good." She sighed. "And good luck."

"Thank you."

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