Chapter 16

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In the morning when Lucy awoke she felt pressure on her chest. At first she thought that maybe she had been dreaming but as she became more awake she realized that wasn't the case. When her vision adjusted she saw that what was lying on her chest was an arm which belonged to Natsu who was sleeping right next to her in bed. She screamed, startling the god of the sky to wake up instantly and fall out of bed.

"What the Tartarus?!" He said sitting up. "Hey I can talk again."

He looked down and saw that he no longer has the body of a small cuckoo bird. He had been restored to his normal yet godly self.

"What a relief, I'm back to normal."

"Defiler!" Lucy screamed.


Next thing he knew it was being hit and kicked repeatedly by the angry goddess.

"Ow! Hey! What are you doing?! Stop it! Ouch! Not the face! Oof! Wait don't kick me there!" 

"How dare you sneak into the bed of a goddess!" She cried angrily. "Have you no shame or decency?!"

"I can explain! Just stop hitting me!"

He was surprised how nasty of a temper the goddess of marriage had. It took him a few minutes but eventually he was able to gather enough strength to grab hold of Lucy and pin her down..

"Enough!" He thundered. 

"I warn you!" She cried trying to get away. "If you defile me you will unleash the wrath of my father!"

"Will you calm down?! I'm not going to defile you!"

"You aren't?"

"No! I just wanted you to stop assualting me. Geez if this how you treated your ex fiance no wonder he cheated on you."

"How dare you! Wait a minute how did you know about that?"

"That brings up the reason why I was in your bed. Funny story actually, you know that little bird you've become very fond of recently? That was me."


"The thing is a few days ago, Cana goddess of the wild mistook me for a mortal peeping tom so she shot one of her arrows at me and it turned me into a bird."

"You expect me to believe that?"

"I have the scar from where her arrow hit me. Wanna see?"

She showed him the part of his thigh where the arrow had struck him. It indeed bore the famailar scar known to come from Cana's arrows.


"Hold on so if you were turned into that cuckoo bird I found." Lucy said putting the pieces together. "Then that means all this time I've spent with the bird, was really me spending time with you! Ahh! Why didn't you say anything?!"

"I was a bird! I couldn't talk!"

"Oh my gods! I changed in front of you!" Her face turned bright red.

"I didn't look. I swear!"

"Yeah right! You're Mount Olympus's top pervert!"

"I know but you saved my life and I didn't feel right about being so disrespectful after you did that. I have morals you know."

"I slept in the same bed as you!"

"Nothing happened! I will admit I am a little on the pervy side but I would never take a woman by force. Never! Every woman that I've ever been with, she willingly agreed to bed with me! I swear!" 

"Oh good sweet Sonya! If anyone ever knew about this I would be considered a traitor to women and married couples everywhere!"

"Technically you wouldn't because nothing happened."

"You honestly think that anyone would believe that I shared a bed with you and nothing happened?!"

"Considering that for most of the night I was a bird and how a bird and a woman can do...Anything in bed besides sleep is an impossiblity, yes I think they'll believe that."

"They'll probably think you raped me! I'll be considered a whore!"

"Hey I don't rape women! You better not tell people that!"

"Maybe nobody saw you. If nobody sees you then there's nothing to worry about."

"You really need to work on controlling on your emotions. Have you ever considered drinking Levy's herbal tea? It really lowers stress."

"Excuse me but I'm worried for my reputation. If the mortals see me as a whore they'll no longer come to me for help on marriage and love which means I have no purpose. Do you have any idea what happens to a god who has no purpose? They fade away!"

"Alright I can see your very stressed and in a panic right now. So why don't you sit down and I'll send for Levy to bring you some of her tea."

"I think I'm going to faint." And that's what she did, Natsu quickly caught her.

"Oh...You know when I said I always wanted to make a woman swoon this isn't what I had in mind."

He tucked her back into bed then summoned Bickslow to deliever a message to Demeter asking for her help in brewing some herbal tea and other remedies to make Lucy feel better. When the goddess of harvest arrived she was unrecognizable. Her golden dress had turned to a shabby cloak, her the corn leaves and wheat in her hair had whitered, her glowing aura had been replaced by shadows, her bright eyes of joy and warmth now turned to misery and rot.

"Levy?" He said in confusion. "Is that really you?"

"Yes." She said in a voice that seemed to have lost all life.

"What's happened to you?"

"My little sister is gone." She said sounding as if she was fighting the urge to cry. "I've searched every corner of the earth and I have found her nowhere. She's disappeared and I don't know where in the world she could be."

"She hasn't been found yet?"


"Do you think she might have run away?"

"No! She wounldn't do that! She must've been taken! Somebody took her!"

"Why would somebody take her?"

"I don't know but it makes more sense than her running away without a word!"

"I heard she wanted to see the world. That she wanted to get out. Would you have prevented her from leaving your care if she had decided?"

"I would have tried to talk her out of it but she was free to leave if she wanted so there's no reason why she wouldn't tell me if she had run off. Something happened! I know it!"

"Great! Two emotionally upset goddesses in one day." Natsu thought to himself. 

"Please don't cry Levy. Listen why don't you tend to Lucy and I'll talk with Mother about sending a search for your sister. There are many places on earth that you may have missed."

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"I'm nothing if I'm not compassionate."

"Oh Sonya bless you Natsu."

"Thanks but she's kind of already done that a million times. I mean she is my grandmother."

"Still I misjudged you Natsu. Thank you."

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