Chapter 2

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As time passed more and more Gods were born into the world. Some more powerful than others and some more troublesome than others. They all served and respected Queen Mavis but many of them could not help but question her decision to make Natsu the future ruler of the skies and heavens. It's not that he was a bad choice it's just that he was very irresponsible, arrogant, a bit of a womanizer, and would pick fights with his brothers especially Gray. But he was kind, fair, and selfless.

"It's only because he's still so young." Mavis would say. "In time he will learn and mature."

She then prepared to meet with her sons who would be visiting her for brunch like they did every few Sundays. First one to arrive was Jellal, he was tall, handsome, powerful, mature, and rational. Between all of Zeref and Mavis's children he was considered the favorite among gods. His only flaw was that he was very moody.

Second to arrive was Natsu. Thunder clapped and lighting struck to symbolize his arrival. He was imposing, muscular, and proud and he always smelled of clean wind. An aura of laughter and playfulness seemed to always surround him. Between his brothers the gods may have favored Jellal but he was the favorite among mortals.

Gray was the last one to appear. A dark, quiet, and mysterious young man with equally dark but gentle eyes which Mavis always described as being similar to his father's. He wasn't exactly considered a favorite by anyone's standards. The mortals feared him for being the future bringer of death and the gods feared him because they believed him to one day follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.

"Good morning my brothers." Jellal greeted.

"Good morning." Natsu and Gray greeted back.

"Has Mother arrived yet?" Gray asked.

"Not quite." Jellal replied.

"I hope she gets here soon I'm starving." Natsu said. "So how are things?"

"Dark and gloomy as usual for me." Gray said.

"Recently the sea nymphs have been complaining to me about some pervert spying on them when they bathe. Know anything about that Natsu?" Jellal said.

"You think I would do something like that?" Natsu squeaked while trying to look innocent. "I'm shocked that you would even consider me doing something so crass."

"I'm not shocked." Gray said. "Next to Laxus you're the biggest perv on Mount Olympus."

"You're just jealous that I can actually get women."

"Yeah get women to punch and kick you."

Both Gray and Jellal laughed at his remark.

"Remember when he was caught spying on that wood nymph Kagura?" Gray asked.

"Yes and she almost beat his brains out." Jellal said.

"Oh and how many women have you two had in your lives?" Natsu said.

"I do not focus on foolish things like affairs and peeping." Jellal said. "The reason I do not chase after women like you is because I am far too busy with more important matters such as preparing to take my rightful place as ruler of the sea."

"Also it's because you already have the hots for Erza."

Jellal's proud demeanor instantly dropped and was replaced by one of embarrassment. His entire face turned blood red. Natsu and Gray burst out laughing at their brother's reaction.

"Oh be quiet!" Jellal snapped. "You are both so childish."

"What about you Gray? Any women in your life aside from furries?" Natsu asked.

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