Chapter 9

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Since things had gone well at the party, Levy allowed Juvia to leave the garden more and explore the world. However she couldn't be left alone, she had to have someone with her. Someone female to be exact. Most of the time she was with Levy but on the days when Levy had to tend to the harvests of mortals she would leave her sister in the company of Erza and Cana.

Juvia enjoyed seeing the world just beyond her sister's garden. There were so many things to see and so many people to meet. Unfortunately there was a downside to being a part of the outside world. One of which was now that Juvia had been more exposed to the world allowing her beauty to be seen, many suitors came to court her. Bickslow, Freed, Laxus, and even Natsu tried to close to the young goddess only to be chased away by Gajeel who Levy asked to keep suitors from taking advantage of her sister.

"So Jellal is still trying to make you his queen?" Cana said while talking with the red haired goddess of wisdom.

"Yes." Erza answered.

"You turned him down right?"

"Of course. You know that I have chosen never to marry." Erza said feeding her pet owl.

"How come?" Juvia asked while stroking the lamb in her arms. "Why do you two swear off men?"

"Because I don't have time for love or marriage."

"And I just find men to be annoying perverts." Cana said. "All my previous boyfriends have done nothing but annoy me. Animals provide far better comfort in my opinion."

As soon as she said that birds, squirrels, and other small animals starting climbing on to her shoulders and rubbing against her affectionately. Cana huffed in frustration.

"Yes, yes, I love you too but not now." She said shooing them away. "Of course they can get a little clingy from time to time."

"Still I wish I could have at least one relationship with a young man but Levy refuses to let me date." Juvia sighed.

"Don't be in such a rush to have a relationship." Erza said. "Men aren't always as charming as they appear to be."

"Yeah they're all just perverted jerks." Cana said.

"Now that's not true." Erza said. "Yes you should be wary of men but not all of them are awful. Some are very decent."

"Like who?" Juvia asked.

"Well there's-"

"Jellal?" Cana interjected in a teasing manner.

Erza blushed a little before answering.

"Yes. The god of the sea is a fairly decent man. I mean he is rather moody from time to time but he's polite and chivalrous and intelligent and dignified and-"

"Oh my gods you return his feelings don't you?" Cana said.

Erza's blush grew.

"That is not true!" She argued.

"Yes it is. You want him!"

"Uh excuse me." Juvia said.

"Be silent! You don't know what you're talking about!" Erza shouted getting angry.

"You want to live under the sea with him! Well sea weed would be a nice look for you." Cana teased.

"I said be silent!"

"I really don't think you two should be arguing." Juvia said.

But she was ignored and the two goddesses continued to bicker. Juvia just rolled her eyes and wandered off by herself, to pick some wild flowers that grew in the meadow. As she gathered the flowers into her basket she was completely unaware that she was being watched by someone.

The someone was none other than Evergreen goddess of beauty and desire. Of course that title didn't seem to mean anything to anyone ever since Juvia had started leaving the garden. Mortals and gods alike couldn't help but marvel and comment at her great beauty.

"She's more beautiful than Evergreen." Some would say.

And it was words like that which would make her harbor jealousy toward the innocent goddess of spring.

"This is outrageous!" She complained to Freed. "I am the goddess of beauty yet every young man in the land is worshipping her instead of me!"

"Calm yourself Evergreen." He told her. "She's not like Erza and Cana, she craves true love. Once she is married those who adored her will return to you."

"Yes but her sister and that repulsive god Gajeel drive away potential suitors."

"Well why don't you meet up with Lucy and find her a husband?

"Not a bad idea but I shall make this decision myself." She said grinning wickedly.

"Oh no not again. I know that look, what are you going to do?"

"Tell me something Freed, those monsters in the underworld, do you think any of them would like a goddess for a wife?"

"I don't like where you're going with this."

"Relax all I'm going to do is cause a teeny, tiny, little earthquake."

"Evergreen as your friend I must advise you against whatever your planning."

"Oh be quiet! I know what I'm doing."

"This never ends well."


"That should be enough." Juvia smiled at her basket full of flowers. "I can't wait to show Levy these."

She was just about to return to where Cana and Erza were when she spotted a new flower growing in a shadowy area. She had never seen a flower like that one before. It's petals were a brilliant white with purple in the center, a blossom with beauty she had never seen before.

Wanting it for her garden, Juvia walked over to it. As she drew nearer she began to feel like something was very wrong and almost considered going back but then she convinced herself that it was just needless paranoia and continued on.

She had just plucked the flower from the grass when suddenly the ground began to shake rapidly. Dropping her basket and jumping to her feet, Juvia attempted to run but the ground started to open up.

Frightened, she let out a scream for help.

"Levy! Erza! Cana!"

But no one came to her aid in time and she was sent falling down and down in the deep dark underworld below. The ground then closed up leaving no trace of her except for a basket containing scattered flowers.

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