Chapter 8

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Gray didn't take his eyes off of Juvia during the whole party. He recognized her as the young goddess he had seen a few days ago. Her aura was unlike anything he had ever felt. It was so pure, so sweet, and so warm. Not cold and bitter like his. 

"I see you've noticed Juvia." Natsu told him.

"Wait a minute you mean that's her? The goddess of spring? The woman who know man has ever seen before?" Gray said.

"Yep and if you ask me it's a crime that Levy waited this long to let her be seen by men."

So that was the goddess of spring. Well that would explain why her aura was so warm and light. It would also explain the flowers in her hair.

"I've seen her before."

"You have?! When?"

"A few days ago while I was out walking Ebony I heard her singing just above me so I went to investigate. She was sitting in the middle of some garden."

"Levy's secret garden? You actually got in there?"

"Sort of. I didn't know it was a secret garden. I just wanted to know where the singing was coming from so I tunneled up."

"Dude do you realize that you're like the first man to ever see her who's not her father? You're so cool bro. So what do you think? A real looker huh? Or do you believe that previous theory of yours about her being so ugly that her sister had to hide her away."

Hearing that Gray felt bad about what he said about her being ugly earlier. Truthfully he thought that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"Well if you want me to be honest I think she puts Evergreen to shame." Gray said.

"Oh really?" Natsu said raising an eyebrow. "Does my big brother have a crush?"

"Don't be stupid. Just because I think a woman is beautiful doesn't mean I'm interested in her. I already told you that women mean nothing to me. I have no interest in them."

"Does that mean you're into men? I won't judge if you are bro."

"No I'm asexual. I'm not attracted to anything."



"Mom's not going to like that. You know how much she wants grandchildren."

"Well she'll just have to not expect them from me."

"Okay whatever. Anyway tomorrow I have to meet with Lucy to discuss finding me a match and after that I have to meet with Erza for tutoring sessions."

"Good luck to you man."

"I don't get it. How come Mom is doing all this for me and not you or Jellal?"

"Because we weren't chosen to be king of the gods."

"But why did she pick me? You're the oldest."

"Look don't ask me why Mom picked you, I'm still trying to figure that out myself."

"I just understand her sometimes. I know she means well but she can be so over bearing."

"Oh come on she's not that bad."

"Easy for you to say, Mom always liked you best."

"Now don't start that again."

"It's true. Out of the three of us you were always her favorite."

"Oh please you only say that because she never scolds me as much as she scolds you and that's because I never did any stupid stuff like you did."

"What stupid stuff?"

"Let's see peeping on nymphs when they bathe, fighting monsters in Tartarus for no reason, scaring mortals with talk of destroying the world, and need I remind you of the thunderstorm incident that took place last Tuesday?"

"Okay you have a point there."

"Look if you want Mom to lay off then stop causing trouble. Start taking things a little more seriously."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Why don't you go to this match making goddess with an open mind. Who knows she may help you find your soul mate."


The next day Natsu went to meet with Lucy at her temple to discuss potential matches for him.

"Now what do you look for in a woman?" She asked.

"Well obviously she has to be a looker, fun loving, carefree, and real easy if you know what I mean."

"Yeah..." Lucy said rolling her eyes. "But what about the important qualities?"

"What are you talking about? Those are the important qualities."

"What I mean is this woman isn't just going to be your wife, she's also going to be queen of the gods and correct me if my wrong but a queen needs more than beauty and excitement."

"Like what?"

"Well like responsibility, honesty, intelligence, loyalty. Don't tell me you want some brainless bimbo ruling beside you."

"That depends is she a hot brainless bimbo?"

"You're not taking this seriously Natsu. I find matches that are for love and marriage alone. You will be king soon and you need to have a suitable queen before it's too late."

"Well I'm not ready for that yet. I'm still young, 1992 isn't that old."

"Do you care about anything other than yourself, having a good time, or getting with women?"

"Yes I care about my mother and my brothers and my friends. My friends and family mean more to me than anything. They're fundamental, a reason to live, a priceless asset."

"Well I must admit that is a very admirable trait that many women find attractive."

"Even you?"

"I find it attractive in any man except you."

"For a goddess of love, you sure are one hell of a prude."

"I'm also a goddess of marriage and for your information I'd rather be a prude than a tramp."

"Uptight much?"

"Uptight? Listen buddy I'm just doing my job and that's to make sure that  those who want true love find their soulmate and end up happily married. I don't tolerate unfaithfulness and you're not just unfaithful, you're irresponsible, rude, arrogant, and you don't take anything seriously."

"Well you're not exactly little miss perfect. I heard you once turned a man into a boar."

"He was cheating on his wife, as I said I do not tolerate unfaithfulness."

"So the guy was a dog that doesn't mean he should spend the rest of his life as a wild pig."

"I helped plan his wedding so the fact that he cheated on his wife was not only cruel to her but an insult to me."

"Oh forget this, I have to go to my tutoring session."

"See you tomorrow?"

"I hope not."

Lucy rolled her eyes and angrily kicked him out of her temple. This was going to be harder than she thought.

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