Chapter 5

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Saturday night was the night of the big party on Mount Olympus. The party was being hosted by the party God himself Natsu but it was being sponsored by Freed God of festivities. Every god, nymph, and mortal who was popular was there. Natsu's brothers however didn't want to attend. They weren't really party people but once Jellal heard that Erza was going to attend he changed his mind completely.

You see the God of the sea had become smitten the Goddess of wisdom and battle. They had met during a battle, many years ago the arrogant son of a king had killed a dolphin which were one of his many loyal companions. As punishment Jellal decided to flood his kingdom. The good king prayed to Erza for help and she agreed to assist him for unlike the prince, the king was wise and good.

When he saw her for the first time she wore only a helmet and armor, Erza attempted to reason with Jellal but he was too angry and insulted to listen to reason. So she proposed a wager, if she beats him in battle then he must spare the kingdom and he agreed. She fought well against him, better than any opponent that he had ever face but he managed to overpower her. However during his attack he had accidentally knocked off her helmet and when he saw how beautiful she was he became so lost and distracted by her beauty that it allowed her to defeat him.

In the end the kingdom was spared from the sea God's wrath but he had become fascinated with the wise Goddess and wanted to know more about her so he often watched her from afar. As he learned more about her he learned that she was not only beautiful but intelligent, wise, skillful, and compassionate and he found himself growing love for her and desiring her to one day be his queen of the sea. Unfortunately Erza had decided to remain a virgin Goddess all her life.

The afternoon before the party began Jellal decided to visit her. As usual he found her weaving a tapestry by the window of her temple. Her scarlet red hair was like a great fire, the greatest and most beautiful fire that had ever existed, her complexion was like molten gold, and her eyes were filled with all the wisdom of the world.

"Hello Erza." He greeted.

"Hello Jellal. What brings you by?"

"I hear that you're going to attend my brother's party."

"I am."

"I was wondering if you would like to be my date?"

"No thank you."

"Why not?"

"Jellal you know that I do not date."

"But why?"

"Because dating leads to love and I have vowed never to fall in love. As a goddess of wisdom and battle I have certain responsibilities. I must always be there to aid those who pray to me, I cannot let myself be distracted by love."

"Erza there are gods who manage to assist mortals and find their own happiness in the process."

"Yes there are gods who can do it but I am not one of them. Why do you pursue me Jellal? There are plenty of other goddesses eligible enough to be yours."

"Perhaps but none of them are you. There are many who have been able to catch my eye but you're the only one who's managed to catch both my eye and my heart."

Erza blushed at his words. She never thought that someone who was once her rival would have developed romantic feelings for her and she had to admit, having a passionate love affair with the God of the sea was very tempting but her loyalty toward the mortals always came before her personal desires.

"I must ready myself for the party tonight." She said getting up from her work. "See you tonight Jellal."

"You too."

Jellal sighed as he watched her leave then he left. How he longed for her touch. He would have given anything to make her his. Evergreen the Goddess of beauty and desire had offered to enchant Erza to posses a never-ending desire for him but Jellal knew that all she would feel was lust and that's not what he wanted from her. He wanted genuine, true love from her and he wanted her to give it to him willingly.

As for Gray he didn't want to go to the party period. All the guests would just shiver in fear of him. Scared that he might just snap her fingers and pronounce them dead. There was no way he was going to a party where everyone there except for his brothers would be scared of him and nothing would convince him otherwise. Nothing except Natsu's constant and annoying coaxing.

"I'm not going Natsu and that's that." Gray said over the phone to his brother.

"Oh come on. It's the biggest party of the season and the three hottest goddesses are going to be there. Evergreen, Mirajane, and Lisanna."

"You do know that Evergreen is in a relationship with Elfman right?"

"They broke up."


"Yes. Apparently he was mad at her for making eyes at a young hunter."

"Elfman always was the jealous type. But still Mirajane and Lisanna are also Elfman's sisters. If you fool around with them and he finds out....Well let's just say you and I will be roommates."

"Good point. But hey I hear Levy's sister is coming to the party and I am just dying to see if she's as pretty as the rumors say she is. Aren't you eager to see what she looks like?"

"No. Women are of little interest me. You know that, I've been telling you that ever since Dad puked me back up into the world. By the way do you have any idea what it's like to be trapped in a man's stomach for five decades?"

"Not pleasant I'm assuming?"

"It's dark, closed in, disgusting, and makes you wonder if you were better off being digested."

"I can't believe that you and Jellal were still kids when you came out of there. You guys should have been at least fifty something."

"Well remember little brother we don't age like the mortals do. For example biologically speaking I'm 2000 years old but physically I just turned twenty."

"It's so weird that mortal lives are so much shorter than ours. Wonder why?"

"Don't ask me I didn't create them but that aside I'm not going to your party Natsu."

"Oh come on please."

"Why do you even want me there?"

"Because you're my big brother and I really want to spend time with you."

"Aw how sweet...Now what's the real reason you want me there."

"Fine! Laxus is going to be at the party and you know how he likes to mess with me."

"And me being there prevents that how?"

"Well he's afraid of you."

"Newsflash bro everyone is afraid of me except for you, Jellal, and Mom."

"Don't take it so hard, they only reason they act so freaked out is because you look like Dad."

"What?! I'm nothing like that psycho!"

"Well you have his hair, his eyes, and his personality."

"Personality? I don't eat my own children!"

"No what I mean is your attitude is like his. That calm, sincere, and conflicted attitude of yours has Dad written all over it."

"You know Mom always said out of the three of us you were always the one who reminded her the most of Dad."

"You lie."

"I do not. She says the you're arrogant, hot tempered, demanding, and impulsive just like him and have you seen the man when he was your age? Your face and body are the spitting image of him."

"I don't believe that."

"Fine ask Mom."

"I will."


"So will you come to the party?"

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?"


"Okay I'll go."

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