He spots my attire and clearly isn't satisfied by it as he roars at me, "What the hell are you doing, Lila?"

"I'm ready to train, what does it look like?" I ask innocently, blinking my eyes at him.

"You're out of your mind, get back in bed," he says waving me off and turning around seeming to not even give me a second thought.

"I'm not going back in bed," I say adamantly, having no intention of going back in that room. I'm ready to train, and I'm going to train.

Lieutenant Hemmings faces me again, his eyebrow raised as if fantasizing of the punishment he's about to give me for disobeying him, "You will do as I say whether you like it or not, James. In bed, now."

"How do you expect me to get better, sir?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows as I tilt my head at him, preparing to challenge him. "If I'm so weak, why do you keep sending me off?"

"It's your own fault you haven't been eat-"

"My food's finished, you can go look," I say waving off to the room where I had eaten everything.

Lieutenant Hemmings narrows his eyes, as he crosses his arms over his chest and says in a low voice that's almost enough to scare me away, "I'm not going to tell you again Lila James, get back in that damn room."

I stand my ground, refusing to walk back and give up my fight. I don't care how much I piss him off at this point. I'm showing him my determination and refuse to look weak and take the easy way out.

"I know about Damien," I say simply making his jaw tighten. "I know he's coming and I know you're freaking out because of it."

"That's none of your business," he snaps. "You don't speak of his name, got it?"

I raise an eyebrow, not giving him what he wants. Instead, I continue as I  say, "I was just thinking, I don't know why you're out here working everyone's ass off so they'll do their best performance in front of him."

Lieutenant Hemmings seems to be confused by this as he asks with anger written across his face, as if mad that I'm wasting his time, "What the hell are you talking about, James?"

"I'm just saying," I say with a shrug. "It'd make a bit more sense to make your army look terrible so he doesn't feel a need to prepare as much and won't take it as seriously. If he comes out here and is threatened, he's going to work his army harder."

Lieutenant Hemmings shoots an eyebrow at this, clearly intrigued. He stares at me a little longer, seeming to contemplate the thought. I don't look away from him, wanting to show that I'm confident in my own idea and don't have any doubt in it. Nonetheless, I cross my fingers in a hidden manner, hoping more than anything he won't send me off once again.

However, I feel relief wash over me as I watch his lips soon curve up into a smirk and he seems pleased as he says, "You may be onto something for once, James."

I smile, feeling successful considering I did something right finally in his eyes. I'm just surprised he hadn't thought about it. I'd assume it's probably because he's too mighty high on his high horse; the possibility of looking bad certainly wasn't a thought to him.

I hold eyes with him a moment longer before he turns away from me and faces the crowd of people.

Lieutenant Hemmings clears his throat and address everyone as he says, "Everyone, we're starting stations for Damien's arrival. I'm going to have certain people representing each station, if I call your name, you'll be with me. The rest will be with Major Hood."

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