"I've made a new perspective for our project. We need to rehearse the lines and see if any changes need to be made" she says

"Okay. My house at 7" he says without even looking at her. 

"Can we just do it after class?" Jisoo says

"I have football practice," Taehyung says and looks at Jennie

"let's go," he says

Jennie smiles and looks at Jisoo

"You go ahead, I am coming," she says

Taehyung picks his bag up and leaves the room

"Jisoo, come on," Rose and Lisa says

"She will join you later," Jennie replies to them instead of Jisoo

They both look at Jisoo and Jisoo gives them a reassuring smile. 

"Come quickly," Lisa says as they both leave

Yoongi is the last person to leave. He can sense that Jennie waiting for him to leave. Jisoo looks pale and a bit scared.  He doesn't know why but he can see the change in Jisoo. The confidence that she had before isn't there today. However, he leaves too and it's only the two of them in the class

"You know Jisoo, you surprise me a lot. You're the perfect daughter of our family, right? The one that makes no mistakes? The one everyone should copy? But wanna know what I think about you?" Jennie says as soon as he leaves

Jisoo doesn't answer

"I think that you're a slut who pretends to be an angel in front of everyone. And everyone falls under your trap but, not me. You know I really felt bad for you when you spilled the drink on me. I could realize how long you've kept everything to yourself. But wanna know something funny? It didn't last long. Taehyung drove me home and he told me everything. What you two did yesterday. Behind my back" Jennie suddenly becomes very angry

"You fucking slut. You had the audacity to hook up with my boyfriend behind my back? And you kept talking loud about how I wronged you, right? Guess what honey, Taehyung was only with you just for the fun of it. Everyone could see it, except for you. That's why me hooking up with him didn't bother anyone. Cause they knew girls like you wouldn't last long. But what Taehyung had with me was genuine. But you tried to ruin it too. What did you think? That he'll be yours once you hook up?" Jennie says

"You know the difference between me and you in Taehyung's life?" Jennie says

"After he cheated on you, he moved on with me and didn't even look back at you. But after you tried to hook up with him, he apologized to me and said that he wanted to start fresh again" Jennie says with a victorious smile

"Thank you Jisoo. for yesterday. You have no idea how Taehyung for the first time looked obsessed for me. Guess who won honey" Jennie winks 

"Jennie:1 Jisoo: 0" 

She purposely bumps into Jisoo's shoulder and leaves the room. Jisoo staggers unable to stand properly. If only she listened to Yoongi and apologized to Jennie yesterday, it wouldn't have happened

She didn't Taehyung expect to say it to Jennie. He knew what would happen if Jennie knows about it. Yet he did. Neither once did he think about Jisoo

Jisoo picks her bag up and leaves too. She tries to hold her head up high and just pass through the day somehow

Jisoo walks inside the cafe and joins Lisa and Rose. She is about to eat her lunch but she hears Jennie's laugh from behind. She looks behind to see Jennie sitting on Taehyung's lap and Taehyung says something in her ears that makes her smile

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