At "7"

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"Now watch me be the person that you always wished I was but to Jennie," he says and leaves the room

Jisoo takes a deep breath in.. She feels as if someone is choking her. She keeps taking deep breaths. Her life is a mess and every time she tries to mend things, the opposite occurs

She looks around and feels the emptiness of the classroom. 

"This is the same classroom," she thinks to herself

"The same classroom where Taehyung proposed me," she thinks 

The classroom was empty that day too.. Only Taehyung and Jisoo. The same room where Taehyung confessed his unconditional love to Jisoo now feels like a prison cell to her

She feels as if the room is suffocating her and runs out

"Jisoo, the class is going to start," Lisa says from far seeing Jisoo standing alone

Jisoo is lost in her train of thoughts. How quickly everything changed. If only she didn't expect so many things from Taehyung, if only she didn't love Taehyung that much, the breakup wouldn't have broken her the way it did

"Yaaaa Jisoo" Lisa screams louder. Jisoo comes back to reality and runs to the classroom

She walks towards her desk but her bag isn't there. Instead Irene is sitting in her place with Yoongi. Irene points her to the back 

"Sit with your partner honey" she says

Jisoo looks back and sees her bag next to Taehyung. As much as she hates it, she has to sit with him. Yoongi doesn't even look at her. He keeps reading his book without sparing her a glance

Jisoo walks towards Taehyung's bench and sits down. She feels very intimidated by Taehyung's presence next to her especially after what he said

Jennie walks in the classroom and Taehyung immediately stands up and walks towards her.

He kisses her in the cheek and says

"What took you so long?" 

"I slept in. Sorry babe"

"It's fine. Come sit with me" he says

Both of them walk towards Jisoo's seat and Jennie glares at her. Jisoo keeps looking down but Jennie coughs trying to get her attention. Jisoo looks up 

"This is my seat," Jennie says

"But we have to sit with our partners," Jisoo says

"Who said that? That is a fucking school assignment. Not an engagement that you have to be together all the time. Now move over" Jennie says

"But-" Jisoo tries to argue

"I said move over" Jennie screams this time and everyone looks at them

Jisoo stands up with her bag and looks around. The only place empty is next to the nerd guy that Jennie paired up with

"Jisoo," Jimin says

"sit with Lisa" he stands up and sits with the nerd allowing Jisoo to sit with Lisa

"You're fine, right? Don't let her get to you" Lisa says to Jisoo

"yeah I am fine" Jisoo smiles

The teacher walks in and all of them focus on the class.

Jisoo keeps glancing at Yoongi and she sees how desperately Irene is trying to get his attention

The class soon ends and Jisoo walks towards Taehyung who is packing his bag

SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now