15. A God's Jealousy

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"You killed him!" Aphrodite held Adonis' limp body in her arms. His beautiful face was ruined, the skin ripped away from the bone. Aphrodite's tears fell over the mortal's remains, her sobs only inflaming Ares' rage.

"You should have come back to me." He growled, unrepentant.

Aphrodite buried her face against Adonis' neck. She felt the steel edge of Ares' sword against her throat - his anger far from exhausted. "This is the last time you cry for another man in front of me."

She knew of Ares' sword - it had been crafted by the giant Brontes for the purpose of killing immortals. She leant forward, deliberately slicing her neck on the lethal edge. "No!" Ares pulled the blade away – alarmed.

He dropped to his knees and stared, horror-struck, at the golden blood gleaming at Aphrodite's throat. He shuddered in relief when he realised that she hadn't cut deep enough to kill herself. Cradling her against his chest, her tenderly brushed her hair away from her eyes. "You'd die for the loss of a mere mortal?"

"One day, Ares, perhaps you'll understand." She rasped, her eyes swimming with tears. "And when you do, I'll have my revenge."

Ares rose to his feet, carrying Aphrodite in his arms. He shook his head at her.

"I'll love none by you, Aphrodite. Always."


Present day,

Fear filled Sage's stomach.

"Ares..." Beads of sweat rolled down her face. "Please."

Immediately, Ares pulled her back inside – setting her down on the carpet. Sage almost wept in relief as she rubbed her aching wrists. She wanted to retreat, but her legs felt weak and Ares hadn't completely released her. He rested his forehead against hers, his breathing ragged.

"I'm not human, Sage." He spoke at last – his voice rough. "I told you – I am violence and brutality." He let her go at last, his eyes full of remorse. "I try to shield you from that, because I love you. But my nature – my true being – you should never forget what it is. What it looks like."

Sage nodded. She'd been warned.

                                      Sage crept as quietly as she could. She'd laid awake in the guest bedroom until the middle of the night. Now, she hoped that Ares would be fast asleep. She groped at her surroundings, blind in the dark, but she didn't dare switch on a light. She just needed to make it to the front door, then she'd –

"I'm curious," a voice purred in the dark. "Where would you run off to? I know where you live and where you work." The light clicked on. Sage straightened nervously and faced Ares. He took her hand and led her to the sofa to sit with him,  rubbing his eyes wearily. "Don't try to run, you're safer here."

"Why? Who's going to hurt me?" Who is worse than you?


Ares stared morosely at the far wall.


"A long time ago, I killed her mortal lover – Adonis. I'd forgotten all about him, until she left that message for me."

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