Chap 25. I fucked up

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'Can we talk , it's your prank buddy '

I read the message from the guys name I still don't know .

I sent him my address and told him to meet me here .

I went to take a shower .
As I step out of the shower the doorbell rang .

I opened the door to see the same guy .

He was looking at with mouth open .
I looked down to see I was only in a towel .

" I'm sorry come on in " he closed his mouth and walked into the living room , standing awkwardly .

" nice house " he complimented .
I pointed to the sofa and he sat .

I grabbed a cup of water and brought it over to him , just as I was about to give him only for it to spill all over his front .

" I'm so sorry " I apologize rubbing his shirt . He took off the shirt and used it to wipe his chest ,his chest was defined but it's nothing like Kessan' s .

I took the cup from his hand only to slip and fall ...... in his lap side ways .

" is this how you welcome all your guests cause I would visit you everyday " he asked amused.

I looked at his lips and I think I might have hit my head cause what I did next made me realise I need to sign myself for and asylum because I'm 110% sure I'm crazy .

I ..I kissed him , I fucking kissed him.

I don't feel sparks like with Kessan , there's nothing there .
'This is so wrong Kessan would be dissapointed in you'

I was so lost I didn't hear the front door open .

" what the fuck " I heard the last person I thought would be here , I freeze immediately on the spot .

No no no no no. This can't be

" I can't believe I thought you were different , unbelievable"
I looked up expecting him to be angry or furious , but what I saw pierced my soul .


All written across his face in bold .

You caused all of them.

He slammed the door as he left and as fast as flash I was in a sweatpants and a tee and out the door only to see him racing out the driveway . I ran to my car and followed him .

He drove to the house and slammed his car door .

" wait " I yelled .

He turned to me before he started shouting . " no do I look like a toy you can play with cause I'm not , you can't just take my heart and then play with it , I'm not a toy , am I not good enough for u , uh , what did I do wrong , why would you hurt me like this , because I told you I was scared , is that why , never in my life have I felt like this , it feels like my soul is leaving my body. I would rather Nathalie leaving me a hundred times than this , this hurts real bad , why did you come into my life if you knew you were going to leave, I am tired .
Why can't I be enough " he yelled as his eyes water .

" your more than e -"

" then why the fuck would you do something like that " he shouted running his hands in his hair .

" look i-I'm sorry OK I- I never meant to hurt you I never meant to do it , it just happened , I'm sorry ". I shouted , I really was .

" did you kiss him first " I didn't answer cause it would only hurt him more , bit it seems I was wrong because tears instantly fell from his eye he shook his head in disbelief .

He opened his car again as I took a step forward .

He held his hand up stopping me .
" please , just please leave me alone , I-I can't do this " and with that he's gone , probably forever , the one good thing in my life .

And that's when I knew I fucked up .

I fucked up .

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