Chap 9. "he really likes you"

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Teshanae POV

He just got in the car and drove off.
" where are we going " I asked no answer.
" where are you taking me " still no answer.
" are you taking me home " it sounds weird calling it home but he said I should "

"Are you deaf or mute , I've been talking to you the past minute "

He slammed on the brakes and leaned over to me.

" if you don't shut up right now I'm going to fuck you right now " he whispered near my ear  . I nodded , him being so close sent shivers down my spine.

He started driving again. He got a phone call and after he hung up he hit the steering wheel .
"FUCK" he shouted I even winced to how loud he was. I was gonna ask what's wrong but decided  against it .

Soon we pulled in the drive way and I notice Steph's car pulled up behind ours . Kessan got out without glancing at me and rushed into the house .

I got out and walked to the step .

" Tish" Steph shouted I turned and looked at him.

"So this is why you couldn't even talk things out with me " he shoved his phone to my face which has a picture of me and Kessan kissing . " because you were too busy fucking my brother and lying to me , you know all my life Kessan got everything he wanted , and so have I , the only thing that I had that he didn't was you , but he has you now , you really are a whore"

Without thinking I raised  my hand and slapped him right in the face. He held the cheek with my finger prints. At this point tears were running down my cheek .

" you have no idea what your talking about, and I never lied to you because we weren't even talking , and I never fucked your brother , how dare think that lowly of me do you know me as that kind of person, you know what ive had enogh" I turned and walked away .

" Tish wait " I laughed bitterly and looked at him " I thought it was whore" I sassed and ran to my room . I slammed the door  I fell on the bed and fell asleep not even bothering to take off my clothes.

I woke up to screaming. "Fucking help him " someone shouted.

I ran down the stairs and what I saw made me feel dehydrated. Kessan was lying on the couch with what seems to be a gun wound. I covered my mouth with my hand .

" who can help him " Anna shouted .
" I can help him , do you have an infirmary" I blurted . 

" how can you help him huh, do you even know how to perform a surgery " Alisha asked. " in the basement are you sure about this " I nodded .

I never performed on a live patient but I did on a dead on a dead one and it was successful  but I'll have to try .

They brought me to a surgery room , I put on a mask and gloves . "Can y'all please leave " the hesitated but left any way . I stated performing surgery .

And in case you're wondering how I know how to perform a surgery I'm in the medical field at school.

3 hours later*
I walked up to the living room after I took off the gloves and mask .

As I entered everyone rushed towards me .
" how is he ? "
"Is he OK ? " the fired questions.

I sat down and sighed ,everyone still looking at me. " he's OK , it was just a flesh wound and he'll need to rest for a week at least because he lost slot of blood and no junk food , hell should wake up in the next hour or so " I said everyone smiled and sat down .

" are you a doctor " Dantae asked  , I shook my head no .

" WHAT " everyone shouted.

I was gonna answer when Steph beat me to it. .

" she's in the medical field at school , she is the schools best surgeon even though she hasn't graduated yet but she has a degree in it already " he stated bluntly biting his nails .

" wow " everyone exclaimed .

" he owes you big time " Anna muttered .

"No it's OK I'm just glad it turned out successful." Then I realized that only Dantae , shery , ked-ked and Anna were left in the room .

There was silence for a few minutes until Dantae decided to break it . " did you really kiss him "

" what" I asked " the picture" he blurted. "Oh " that was all I could say .

" he really likes you " she must have seen my confused face because she continued " he likes you , you might not see it but everyone does , he sleeps with you and he doesn't sleep with someone unless it's sex , and he makes breakfast for you which he doesn't do for anyone , and since you came he's barely downstairs , he's always with you and I've never seen him so angry until you tried to kill yourself " she explained.

I remember him telling me he likes me but I thought he didn't mean anything .

Then the bitch but in , I didn't even realize she walked in " yea , since you came he never even recognize me , we haven't fucked since you came here and he always want sex so I don't understand"

I scoffed " somebody get this bitch " I snorted . " maybe he hasn't find time for you because he realized you weren't worth it in the first place "

" who the fuck does this ugly bitch thinks she's talking to " she scoffed

" good I was trying to look like you for today , seems it worked " I sassed . I  saw everyone trying to hold their laughter but failed as she stomped out  of the room , even I started laughing .

After the laughing died down the place was silent .  I saw Steph rushed into the room and I thought something was wrong.

He came and kneeled down in front of me " Tish , look I'm sorry , I'm really and truly sorry OK , I shouldn't have said those things to you , it's just that I was really upset that you weren't talking to me , Tish your my best friend and you know I don't mean any of those words and it's OK if you like my brother just please forgive me and talk to me please " he pleaded .

I hugged him and smiled . " why didn't you tell me your father abused you" he asked as he pulled away " the same reason you couldn't tell me you were in a gang ".He hugged me again .
I pulled away and stood up .

" let's watch a movie " shery announced " OK " everyone said in Union. " I'm just gonna check on him and come back you can start without me , I'll be back "

I went to the room to see hi sitting up .
" your up quicker than I thought"
" did the doctor do this " he asked pointing to the bandage on his chest.      
" I thought he was on vacation"

I sat on the chair next to his bed
" nope , I did it " I said slightly blushing.

" how " he whispered " I'm the schools best surgeon " I said and he mouthed an 'oh' .

" do you like me " the question flew out of my mouth before I even had time to think. I slapped my hand over my mouth .

He looked at me for a second . " no " he said smiling , what's so funny " I really like you "

The gang leader likes me .

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