Chap 21. Stranger

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" I'll be back soon , ima go shopping "
I told Kessan as I walked out the door .

"I'll send Dantae with you "

" I can go by myself "

" it's either that or you don't go at all "

" ugh fine " I whined .

" give me your keys" is he stupid .

" Dantae are you mentally ill "

" sis please just one drive please I swear I won't scrape your car pretty please " damn those puppy dog eyes.

" I'll cut your balls out any feed them to you if you scrape my baby "

" yessssss " he screamed as he ran to my car .

We were passing by a Chanel store when something caught my eye .

" stop the car " I order Dantae

She look so much like me before I met Kessan.

She was gawking at a track suits but top was short and would show skin with ' I'm worth it' on the front .

"You like it " I asked standing beside her .

" I love it " she whispered without looking at me .

" you want it "

" yeah but , my parents don't want me , I don't have a job , I don't have anything , why am I even talking to you , your rich everyone treats me like shit so why are you even talking to me , aren't all rich people snobs " she finished with teary eyes .

I grabbed her hand " come on "
" what are you doing "

" hey can I get that over there please "
I asked one of the assistant .

" Sure " he smiled sweetly

" put it on " I pushed her into the changing room .

" how can you do that you don't even know her " Kessan exclaimed as he walked to me .

" Go home, I don't know why I agreed to bring you "I sighed

" why are you helping her " he asked trying to figure me out .

" she reminds me of why not do something useful , you might think um I'm wasting my time but I have to help her that's why I want you to go please ".

" OK but ensure you come home before six or Kessan will kill me , be careful please , I'm so proud of you " he walked of then turned to me

" Catch " the he threw my car keys at me .

As the girl came out I squealed .

," you are stunning "

I pulled her to the cashier.
"How much " I smiled .
" that would be $800 man "
" I'll take it " and paid .

I pulled her to my car . " get in " I motioned as I saw her drooling over my baby .

She reluctantly sat in the car and a big grin spread as she touched the leather .

" why are you doing this " she asked as we got our orders . Right now we're at MickeyD's eating .

" because you remind me of me before life turned for me , now I have the best boyfriend in the woodland pregnant with his child , I want to help you , I know what it feels like when people look down on you , been there done that , I wasn't the best experience and why let someone else suffer when you can help " I answered .

" my name is Madeline Monty , I'm 18 , I've been homeless a week now , my parents are drug addicts and they kicked me out and I would get food from strangers sometimes , I finished highschool with a scholarship but I won't go cause who will help me , no-one "

" I'll help you , come on "

We shopped until we dropped .
" why do you need so much things " Maddy whined as we finished putting about fifteen bags containing makeup , underware , shoes , clothes and everything a girl need .

" they are not mine " I said as I typed in the address to the name of one of kessan's many hotels .

As we reached a velvet parked my car and we walked to the receptionist .

His eyes widen as he saw me .
Do I have something on my face .
Same time two men walked up do me and took all the bags for both of us .

" Mrs Diaz welcome "
" wow are you like royalty " Maddy giggle.

" uhh - hi can I get a room please " I try to remember if I know him .

" room 799 these men will escort you here's your key and please enjoy"

" how much a night "

"I'm sorry mam but I don't think Mr Diaz appreciate it if he knew his lady was paying to stay in his building " he bowed

" OK "

" This isn't a room it's a flat " Maddy gasped as the men left the bags on the floor and left .

We sat on the sofa in silence .
" why did they bring your bags up here .

" their yours "

She was quit again , so I took the opportunity. I placed the iPhone I bought today on her lap and her eyes bulge out of their sockets .

" my number is already in there , I'll take care of the college expenses , I'll send everything you need to start tomorrow and you can stay here as long as you want , I know your a legal adult and I can't control you but I want you to promise me something , I want you to promise me you will make the best out of college and become someone people can't look down on , please don't make me regret this " I whispered the last part .

" I promise " she sound determined .

I heard sniffing and looked to see she was crying.

". The first person to give a damn about me , is a stranger , you don't feel like one but you care . You have no idea how much this means to me , thank you so much I won't let you down. I promise " I hugged her as we sat in silence .

My eyes glimpsed at the clock and I jumped and put the keys on the coffee table .

" fuck how could I forget Kessan is so gonna kill me "

" I'll come by tomorrow to help you look for a job for the mean time before its time for college bye " I ran to my car and started driving like a mad person.

9:37 how could not notice the time , I'm so dead .

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