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Code Name: Spade

Gender: Male

Exotic: Lucky Pants

Role: Sniper

Combat Experience: 7 years

Birth Place: Unknown

Birth Date: Aug 8

Race: Human

Height: 5.6 ft

Infection Status: Confirmed uninfected by medical examinations.

Physical Exam

Physical Strength: Standard

Mobility: Excellent 

Physical Resilience: Standard 

Tactical Acumen: Excellent

Combat Skill: Excellent

Originium Arts Assimilation: Standard


A newly hired employee of Rhodes Island. Spade is known for his wits and quick feet to get the job done. 

It's unknown where he was from, with the only source being that he came from an unknown city. It implies that his 'father' has some connections with Babel (Now known as Rhodes Island) until his demise leading him to his employment.

Clinical Analysis 

Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there are no other signs of infection. At this time, this operator can be considered uninfected.

Cell Originium Assimilation: 0% 

Operator Spade shows no signs of Oripathy infection.

Blood Originium-Crystal Density: 0.14u/L 

Operator Spade frequents in dangerous environments due to the nature of his previous and, to an extent, his current occupation. However, it is observed that he is taking measures to keep himself safe.

Archive File 1

Spade has shown mastery with firearms but will always have a trick up his sleeve.

Archive File 2

Overall morale has increased significantly ever since Spade's arrival at Rhodes Island. With his friendly personality, he was able to make friends with nearly every staff member Rhodes Island including operators known for their unwillingness to make friends.

"Spade is a really good friend and a great buddy. Tho I wish he could stop calling me donkey." -Amiya 

Archive File 3

Spade's past, is strictly confidential. The logs don't mention anything about it, it's all blank and empty. Some questioned him about it, but he waved it off and showed no concern towards the topic. Only one interaction recorded mentioning his origins only gives a sliver of information regarding his past of the now decease operator [REDACTED].

"The first thing I remember is a forest... Then I saw HIM... My inspiration... My father. He's the reason why I'm here today....  I'm still trying." - Spade, The Wildcard

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