{ bellarke } what should've happened S5

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Clarke sat on a big rock, watching over a valley— radio in her hand.

"Tell Raven to aim for the big spot of green and you'll find me."

A big whoosh roared across the sky above her.

A smile broke across Clarke's face, she stood up.

"Nevermind.. I see you." She smiled.

Clarke sat down the radio and ran back to the rover.

She opened up the back door and hopped in.

"Hey.. Madi.." Clarke whispered.

"No lessons today.." Madi mumbled sleeply.

Another engine roar broke across the sky, and Madi shot up.

"Took you long enough." Clarke smiled.

Madi got up and ran outside, staring at the sky and smiling.

Clarke got up and walked outside, watching the tiny ship land.

She walked up and stood next to Madi.

Clarke watched as the rocket door open.

Madi looked up at Clarke.

7 people stepped out of the rocket.

Clarke stuck her hand up and waved.

The rockets roared and the ship landed.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

Murphy unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the ship door.

Next Raven, then Echo and the rest of them.

But not Bellamy.

Raven turned around and looked at him.

"C'mon Bellamy."

"What do we tell Abby, what do we tell everyone?"

"The truth."

"Clarke should be here with us."

"I know.. I wish she were, she saved us. Now c'mon."

Bellamy nodded and unbuckled his seat belt.

Bellamy got up and walked outside.

Everyone saw two figures in the distance.

One, a small child.

A small child standing next to a tall blonde haired girl.

"Welcome home!" One of them screamed.

"Clarke..?" Bellamy gasped.

Bellamy dropped his helmet and felt himself run towards them.

Clarke was trembling.

She always imagined this day, but now that it's here.. she was afraid it was just a dream.

She saw a figure running towards her.

It was a reflex to run towards him too.

They met each other in the middle and wrapped their arms tightly around each other.

Clarke let out a weak laugh following by a few tears.

"I—.. I thought you were dead.." Bellamy sniffed.

"I'm not dead.." Clarke shook her head, "I thought you were dead too."

"I missed you." Bellamy whispered.

"I missed you too." Clarke smiled.

They both pulled back, looking at each other and smiling— they we're still holding each other's hands.

They were quiet, and then pulled each other back into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I left you down here—" Bellamy started.

"Bellamy." Clarke pulled back.

She put her hand on the side of his face.

"I'm glad you left, okay? As weird as that sounds I am. You would've died if you stayed." Clarke spoke.

Bellamy nodded.

"Bellamy!" A child's voice called out.

"Hey Madi!" Clarke smiled turning around.

"Bellamy, this is Madi, Madi this is Bellamy."

"You explained him well." Madi smiled.

hi there enjoy this au

you remember a time when you've ever actually wanted to watch season 5? yep, i don't remember either


k bye <3

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