(Friendship) Clarke & Octavia 'Now, you're my responsibility'

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before you read i have to explain-
just recently i finished my book 'she saved me'. so this is a one shot of a few days after everything went down in chapter 19.

Clarke sighed as she sat on the bed.
Casey walked through the door.
"Heda, we're ready for you." Casey smirked.
Casey was a royal guard of the commanders, she has kinda caught a liking to Andi. (lmao- i smell lesbos coming soon)
Clarke nodded and got up.
She bent over and grabbed her sword.
Casey waited for her at the door.
"Let's go." Clarke mumbled.
Casey led Clarke to the elevator, and they stepped inside.
Clarke inhaled sharply.
"So you're going to the prison.. why?" Casey questioned, every other guard feared Clarke, but not Casey.
"A traitor to my people.." Clarke paused. "A traitor to what used to be my people is down there." Clarke stated.
"Hey. We're all your people now." Casey placed a hand on her shoulder.
Clarke nodded, then returned her head forward as the doors opened
Casey stepped out and began to lead Clarke to the prison, but once more her blood began to boil Clarke took the lead.

Clarke pushed through the doors.
Then she saw Indra and Octavia.
She swiftly walked up to Octavia.
"O what are you doing here?"
"This traitor killed my brother too y'know!" Octavia said quickly.
Clarke turned to her guards.
"Indra, Casey leave us." Clarke demanded.
"Heda that is not wise-.." Indra stopped.
"Now!" Clarke boomed.
Indra and Casey swiftly left.
Clarke turned to Octavia.
"Octavia.. your brother used to protect you at all costs." Clarke paused with a smile and a shake of her head. "That's why I loved him."
Tears welled up in Octavia's eyes.
".. 'My sister, my responsibility'.." Clarke quoted, her eyes went down.
A tear ran down O's face.
"Now.." Clarke started, her eyes lifted up and leveled with O's. "Now you're my responsibility.. and I will protect you at all costs.. Just like Bellamy did." A tear quickly dripped off of Clarke's face.
Octavia nodded.
"My brother would probably agree to that." She joked.
Clarke laughed weakly and pulled Octavia into a hug.

Octavia and Clarke stormed into the cell.
Casey and Indra followed behind them.
"Clarke!" Athena screamed.
"Athena.." Clarke breathed quickly.
Clarke ran over to her, and unlocked her chains.
"Go with Indra." Clarke instructed.
Athena nodded, she quickly ran over to Indra and Indra led her out of the cell.
Clarke's eyes searched the crowd.. then she saw Lucas.
"Him!" Clarke boomed- pointing her sword at him.
Casey walked over and and began to unhook him.
Lucas pulled his chain out of the wall.
Clarke immediately got on guard, she stepped in front of Octavia- her sword high.
Clarke knew Octavia could defend herself, but she wasn't going to take any chances.
Lucas stabbed his chain into Casey's shoulder.
"Casey!" Clarke hissed.
Without hesitation, Clarke threw her sword at Lucas.. impaling him through the temple.
Octavia and Clarke ran over to Casey.
Octavia began to apply pressure to her shoulder.
Clarke pulled her sword out of Lucas's head.
"We need to get her to my room, I can help her there."
Octavia nodded.
Her eyes returned to Casey.
"Don't worry.. Clarke will fix you." Octavia mumbled.
Casey nodded weakly and Clarke & Octavia helped her up.
They head up to Clarke's room.

psh idk why i made this

i don't have much to say so-

k bye, ghosts <3

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