{ Bellarke } Bellamy waits for Clarke 5x13 AU

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"Abby's not with you?" Clarke asked.
Clarke stomach twisted at the fact of her mother might be dead.
Clarke went to leave, but she felt Echo's hand wrap around her arm.
Echo mumbled off about something, it was unimportant to Clarke.
"I'm sorry, I have to go."
Clarke began to walk off again, but then she felt someone else grab her arm.
Clarke turned to the voice, damnit.. Bellamy seemed like the only one that could convince her to stay.
"You can't go, you'll die.. Abby will make it back." Bellamy assured.
"I can't leave her.." Clarke shook her head. "I won't leave someone else I love for dead."
Clarke's eyes pleaded for forgiveness, because if she died.. she needed to know Bellamy wasn't mad at her.
Bellamy pulled her close.
"Be safe.." He mumbled.
He pulled back, they exchanged looks and Clarke took off.

Bellamy waited outside the door.
Just in the distance, he saw Abby.
A smile broke across his face as he ran over.. Maybe Clarke wasn't going to die.
Bellamy ran over to them, Madi followed behind him.
He searched the crowd, but Clarke wasn't to be seen.
"Clarke?" Bellamy asked.
"She's not here?"
"She went out for you.." Madi mumbled.
Bellamy let a sigh out as he saw Monty, Murphy, and Emori.. but no Clarke.
"Clarke, Abby is here.." Bellamy paused. "Get back here, quickly.." He said into the radio.
"Bellamy, 1 minute 30 seconds. Get your ass in the ship." Echo yelled from inside the ship.
"I already left her once.."
"And she survived."
"She won't survive this time."
"Whatever, I'm going to help Jackson in Medical."
Echo walked away.
"Such bullshit." Madi mumbled.
"Language, Madi." Bellamy stated.
"What? It's true."
"I know.." Bellamy mumbled.
"Bellamy, get in the damn ship.. I'm closing the door." Raven crackled through the radio.
But, just in the distance.. Madi and Bellamy saw the one and only blonde haired Clarke.
"She's here!" Bellamy asserted into the radio.

Clarke pushed through the woods, then.. she saw the huge ship.. and two familiar figures.
She felt tears form in her eyes.
Clarke felt her feet carry her.
The two figures ran towards her.
Bellamy got to her, and realized she was injured.
Bellamy quickly wrapped his arm around her, helping her to the ship.
Their feet were stable on the ship floor, Bellamy pulled the lever to the door.
Raven fired the engines and they were airborne.
Madi threw her arms around Clarke, and let a sob escape.
"It's alright.. I'm here.."
Clarke pulled back.
"Clarke you need to go to medical." Madi stated.
"I will, now you can go check on all your people." Clarke paused. "Heda." She said with a smile.
Madi cracked a smiled and turned to walk away.
"Clarke." Bellamy started.
Clarke just watched Madi walk away.
Madi disappeared and Clarke turned to Bellamy.
A second passed by, and Clarke wrapped her arms around him.
"Why did you wait for me... you could've died.." Clarke asked.
"Because I don't leave the people I love for dead."
Clarke pulled back, her eyes filling with tears.
"Bellamy.. I'm so sorry..."
Bellamy threw his arms around her, his eyes watering too.
Clarke let out a sob and burried her face into his shoulder.
"C'mon.." Bellamy started. "Let's get you to medical."
Clarke pulled back and nodded.

Jackson walked out.
"So?" Bellamy asked.
"She'll be fine. She has a deep cut on her stomach.. and a torn muscle in her leg, but as long as she takes it easy everything will be okay."
Bellamy nodded.
"I'll keep an eye on her."

Bellamy walked down the hallways, looking for Clarke.
And there she was, tending to an old member of Wonkru.
"Hey." Bellamy said, walking up to her.
Clarke looked up.
"Here." She mumbled to the guy and stood up from her kneel.
"Jackson said you should be taking it easy."
"Me taking it easy doesn't help the injured."
Bellamy rolled his eyes and smirked.
"I came to get you, there is a meeting at the bridge. We're deciding the fate of the human race.. again."
Clarke nodded, and they walked to the bridge together, well Bellamy walked, Clarke limped.

hello, i found this au in my notes (yeah i have a lot of aus in my notes don't @ me) so yeah. enjoy! -w-

k bye ghosts <3

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